Academic Research


SF4C – SchoolFood4Change

SF4C sees schools as catalysts for a systemic and multi-actor change toward a sustainable and healthy food system: children are the adults of the future and SF4C will achieve a long-lasting systemic transformation, which will benefit both the people and the planet.

Informazioni preliminari


OTHER UNISG RESEARCHERS INVOLVED: Gabriella Morini, Luisa Torri, Maria Giovanna Onorati, Paola Migliorini, Carol Povigna, Nahuel Buracco, Fabiana Rovera, Matteo Bigi, Matteo Zanoni, Nadia Tecco.


ICLEI European Secretariat GmbH (Germany), University of Alcalá (Spain), Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn (Estonia), Rikolto (Belgium), University of Gastronomic Sciences (Italy), WWF Sweden (Sweden), IFOAM – Organics Europe (Sweden), Business Economics Science Education Foundation (Hungary), Associazione Risteco-La Ville qui Mange (France), EURECAT Technology Centre of Catalonya (Spain), Fondazione Ecosistemi (Italy), Danachda: Bildung für Nachhaltigkeit (Austria), Fair Trade Advocacy Office (Netherlands), Mensa Cívica (Spain), Speiseräume (Germany), Skutečně zdravá škola (Czechia), Skutočne zdravá škola (Slovakia), City of Budapest (Hungary),

City of Copenhagen (Denmark), City of Essen (Germany), City of Ghent (Belgium), City of Leuven (Belgium), City of Lyon (France), City of Malmö (Sweden), Municipality of Milan (Italy), Municipality of Nuoro (Italy), City of Nuremberg (Germany), City of Tallinn (Estonia), Municipality of Umeå (Sweden), City of Vienna (Austria), Municipality of Viimsi (Estonia), Department of Dordogne (France),  Valencia Regional Government (Spain)

DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 48 months (January 2021 – December 2025)

FUNDING INSTRUMENT: European Union – Horizon 2020. H2020-EU.3.2. – Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine, maritime and inland water research, and the bioeconomy  (ID: 101036763)





SchoolFood4Change (SF4C) will create a shift to both sustainable and healthy diets on a broad societal scale by directly impacting over 3,000 schools and 600,000 school children in 12 EU countries, providing a replicable good practice across the EU and beyond. The SF4C specific objectives (SO) are:

SO1: To innovate and roll out sustainable healthy food procurement, sourced from land, inland water and sea, in line with the EU Farm to Fork Strategy and the SDGs.

SO2: Through innovative “”planetary health diets & cooking””, linked to the identity of the territory, train and empower cooks and urban food enablers in the cities.

SO3: To ensure an enabling educational environment through the innovative “”whole school food approach”” which is a method about achieving a healthy food culture in and around schools, contributing to community-wide whole systems change, and impacting on education, sustainability, inequalities, communities and health.

SO4: To assess the SF4C impact, demonstrate real life delivery (“”business case””), particularly on health and behavioural change of vulnerable children, and prove that it can be cost-effective.

SO5: To seek impact for all EU citizens, demonstrate swift EU replicability, also beyond schools, and engage with EC Services and projects on increased Farm to Fork impact toward 2030.

All children go to school and are vulnerable to diet-related conditions and disadvantaged environments. SF4C views schools and children and young people (0-18 years of age) as catalysts for systemic change for the shift to sustainable and healthy diets of all EU citizens. The SF4C triple impact approach (SO1-3) will be implemented by 33 partners, mostly governmental partners that have the mandate over sustainable healthy school meals, including many pioneers from across the EU. SF4C has received official support from 10 EU Members States.


Web site






Public announcements

DR_476_2023-Bando assegno di ricerca_School Food 4 Change_AGR-15_ENG 

Application deadline: 26/10/2023

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All. B_Announcement_School Food 4 Change_AGR-15

All. C_Announcement_School Food 4 Change_AGR-15

DR_399_2022-Bando assegno di ricerca_School Food 4 Change

Application deadline: 26/09/2022

All. A_Valut.Comp.Assegno Ricerca_School Food 4 Changel

All. B_Valut.Comp.Assegno Ricerca_School Food 4 Change

All. C_Valut.Comp.Assegno Ricerca_School Food 4 Change

DR_402_22 Decreto Nomina commissione assegno_ICAR-13

DR_411_22-Decreto Approvazione atti_School Food 4 Change



Application deadline: 20/06/2022




DR_388-22 Decreto Nomina commissione_COCOCO_SF4C






DR 348-22 Decreto Nomina commissione_COCOCO_SF4C

DR_360_22_Decreto Approvazione atti_SF4C