A course aimed at those who imagine their careers working in Italian food, its production, distribution or communication and want to approach the topic of strategies for innovation, with an innovative hybrid learning model, bridging the gap between practice and theory.

A course in which the strategic role of food companies is key and focuses on sustainable growth, innovation and ecological transition.

The morning lessons will be conducted by professors from the University of Gastronomic Sciences and the University of Parma and will alternate with visits in the afternoon to prestigious and historic food businesses as well as to renowned artisanal producers. Participants will therefore visit companies who carry the name of Italy around the world through their iconic products.

In an educational context of extraordinary quality, represented by the innovative and beautiful CIRFOOD DISTRICT, a full immersion into the world of food through a main channel: that of the company that produces, distributes and communicates food.


Open for applications

Location: CIR FOOD DISTRICT, Reggio Emilia

Start date: 15th – 19th July 2024 (5 days)

Application deadline: 24th June 2024

Language: Italian

Participants: food professionals, f&b managers, production, sales, export, food communication

Cost: 1.200 (VAT incl.*) – includes: lessons, 5 company visits, tastings, lunches and the farewell aperitif on Friday afternoon. The fee DOES NOT include: accommodation or transport to reach the CIRFOOD DISTRICT every day

Early bird: 980€ (VAT incl*) for those who complete their application by 29th February 2024

  • 20% discount for UNISG students and alumni, UNISG Partner Companies and Slow Food members*
  • 10% discount for you and a friend/colleague if you apply together*
  • All students who attended UNISG Summer Schools are eligible for a reduction of 500 euro from the university fee applied to some of UNISG academic programs

*N.B discounts are not cumulative.

For further information summerschool@unisg.it




Confirmation Process: 

Once you have sent us your online application, you will receive an email asking you to proceed with the payment of the deposit (180€, VAT incl*). The reception of the deposit will complete the application process and confirm your place in the Summer School.

Waiting List: In case the number of applications exceeds the available places (20 participants per School), candidates will be placed on a waiting list. If places become available, those on the waiting list will be notified.

Final Payment: The second installment (the full cost, minus the deposit) can be paid at any time, but must be wired at least 1 month prior to the start of the course. It is also possible to pay the full fee in one single installment for those who wish to.

Failure to make the full fee by the deadline will result in the loss of their place in favor of a candidate on the waiting list.


Refunds and Cancellations:

Refunds: In case the course does not reach the minimum number of participants (10 participants per School), the deposit (180€, VAT incl) will be refunded to those who have paid it. Please note that the deposit will not be refunded in any other case.

Cancellations: If you have already made the second installment and wish to cancel your participation, you must communicate this intention by email to summerschool@unisg.it at least 1 month before the start of the course. In this case, 50% of the total amount paid will be refunded. After this date, no refunds will be made for cancellations.

Requests: For further questions or clarifications, please contact summerschool@unisg.it.