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Ethics Committee
In 2018, the University of Gastronomic Sciences set up its own Ethics Committee. The University Ethics Committee is a body established and composed according to interdisciplinary and independent criteria, in order to: protect and guarantee the rights, dignity, integrity, and well-being of human beings involved in research; respect all other living organisms and the environment in all its dimensions and components; protect and promote freedom of science.
The Committee has the task of delivering opinions on research projects with ethical implications in which the University is involved.
The University Ethics Committee is composed by the Rector (or his delegate) who performs the functions of President of the Committee and four professors of the University appointed by the Rector, in order to cover competences concerning the humanities, social and natural sciences.
The Committee lasts in office for three years and may be reconfirmed for a maximum of two consecutive terms.
The Ethics Committee is:
- Andrea Pieroni
- Maria Giovanna Onorati
- Simone Cinotto
- Paolo Corvo
- Maria Piochi
For further information: comitatoetico@unisg.it