Erasmus Program
The Erasmus+ program, established with EU Regulation no. 1288/2013 of the European Parliament and the Council, represents the new EU instrument dedicated to the fields of education, training, youth, and sport for the period 2021 – 2027.
Erasmus activity for the 2022-2023 a.y. (individual moblity and strategic partnership) are included in the Erasmun program 2021-2027, for which the Univeristy has obtained:
- ECHE – 2021-2027 Carta Erasmus
- EPS – 2021-2027 Erasmus Policy Statement
- EPS – Erasmus Policy Statement (Overall Strategy)
Erasmus Office –
Prof. Paolo Corvo – Rector’s delegate for the Erasmus mobility programme
Individual Mobility Programs (Key Action 1 – KA1) with Program Countries – EU member countries, EFTA / EEA countries, Republic of Macedonia (KA 103)
The university encourages internationalization through the Individual Mobility Programs provided and listed below.
In compliance with the principles of non-discrimination and inclusion and with a principle of transparency in the selection process of participants in mobility, the university provides for the following individual mobility activities (the procedures for which are listed below).
Erasmus+ Teaching Staff (outgoing and incoming) – possibility for teachers to carry out short periods of teaching at foreign universities (outgoing) and to welcome foreign teachers for short periods of teaching at UNISG (incoming).
Individual Mobility Selection Procedure – Teachers (STA)
Erasmus+ Training Staff (outgoing) – possibility for technical-administrative staff to carry out short training periods abroad
Individual Mobility Selection Procedure – Teachers (STA)
The request for participation in an individual training period abroad will be evaluated by the Administrative Director and the manager of the relevant office. A criterion of alternation between the different offices (over the years) and strategic motivation for the foreign experience will be used for the purpose of increasing specific, personal, and professional skills useful to the university.
The interested person must send an email containing the following information:
- Subject of the email: “NOTIFICATION OF INTEREST – ERASMUS TRAINING MOBILITY – surname + name”
- Extended motivation for the request for individual training abroad
- Institution/body where the training is to be carried out
- Country (must be between EU member countries, EFTA / EEA countries, Republic of Macedonia)
- Period (month and year) and duration of stay abroad (in days)
- Motivational letter
The notification email of interest must be sent to the Administrative Director ( and in cc to the manager of the reference office; and
Deadline: the notification of interest must be sent within the deadlines set by the Rector’s Delegate
Erasmus+ Traineeship (outgoing)
Erasmus+ Traineeship (outgoing) – possibility for students to carry out internships in companies, training and research centres present in one of the countries participating in the program.
Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarships are reserved for the Graduate Degree in Sustainable Food Innovation & Management students in their second year who are enrolled full-time.
CALL 2024
For Call 2024, there are 3 Erasmus+ Traineeship mobility grants available
Erasmus+ Traineeship scholarships are reserved for the Graduate Degree in Sustainable Food Innovation & Management students in their second year who are enrolled full-time
To apply for Erasmus+ mobility, follow the procedure:
- read the Call 2024: Call for international mobility Erasmus 2024
- fill out this form and send it to before January 14, 2025: Form Erasmus
The applications are evaluated by the Erasmus Commission, appointed by the Rector and composed of:
- The Delegate of the Rector for the Didactic.
- The Convenor of the Graduate’s Degree Course
- A resident lecturer in teaching at the Graduate’s Degree
Decreto rettorale n. 566-25 –16 _01_ 2025
Verbale selezione_ERASMUS_tirocinio 2025
Selection 2023
Decreto Rettorale: DR_506_23_Decreto Nomina commissione Erasmus
Erasmus+ Learning (outgoing and incoming) – currently not foreseen
In order to carry out the individual mobility of teachers and students, the university must activate a bilateral agreement with the host/sending institution. Bilateral agreements are agreements with partner universities for the mobility of students and professors. A bilateral agreement is a cooperation agreement signed between two universities in possession of the Erasmus charter for Higher Education (ECHE), which makes international mobility possible within the Erasmus+ Program in force starting from 2014. The activation of a new bilateral agreement takes place at the request of a university professor. Each agreement describes the initiatives and mobilities flows to be implemented, including the number of students and/or teachers, the subject areas and the duration of the stay abroad.
For further information contact:
Cooperation for innovation and good practices (Key Action 2 – KA2)
This Key Action aims to develop, transfer and / or implement innovative practices at the organizational, local, regional, national and European level. The Key Action takes the form of small and large-scale transnational cooperation projects that offer to the active organizations in the education, training and youth sectors, companies, public bodies, civil society organizations etc. t the opportunity to cooperate in order to:
- implement and transfer innovative practices at local, regional, national and European level;
- modernize and strengthen education and training systems;
- sustain positive and long-lasting effects on participating organizations, systems and individuals directly involved.
The Key Action 2 are divided into:
- Erasmus Plus – KA2 (Key Action 2) – Strategic Partnerships in the fields of education, training and youth;
- Erasmus Plus – KA2 – Capacity building in higher education (CBHE).
The University of Gastronomic Sciences is a partner of the following Erasmus Plus projects:
- SUSPLUS – Innovative Education towards Sustainable Food Systems
- TEFSI – Transformation of European Food Systems towards Sustainability by Transnational, Innovative Teaching
- GOODFOOD – Good teaching practices in experiential learning for effective education in embedded food systems
- L4E – Learn4Earth
- DIGI GASE – Development of Digital Education Competencies of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Departments in Higher Education Institutions
- The European Network for the Promotion of Culinary and Proximity Tourism in Rural Areas
For more information on the Erasmus Plus Program, consult the EU website >
Erasmus Office –
Prof. Paolo Corvo – Rector’s delegate for the Erasmus mobility programme