The UNISG library in Pollenzo opened in 2004 to support the university’s students and, through its extensive collection of books and journals, to serve as a resource for ongoing gastronomic research.

The entire catalog can be consulted online via LibrinLinea, a collective of the SBN libraries of Piedmont.

The library is part of the National Library Services (SBN) of Italy, and catalogued according to the SBN standard, indexed by subject according to the Soggettario di Firenze and classified by the Dewey Decimal System (21st ed.).

Download the library regulations

Library Hours:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

University of Gastronomic Sciences
(2nd Floor, Agenzia di Pollenzo)
Piazza Vittorio Emanuele, 9
Frazione Pollenzo – 12042 Bra (Cn) – Italy
Phone: +39 0172 458523

Head of the Library: Gabriele Proglio

Students, teachers and staff of all universities will have free access to consultation and the complete offer of the libraries of the five universities that have signed a reciprocity agreement.

In recent days, a convention for the reciprocity of library services between the Politecnico of Turin, the University of Turin, the University of Eastern Piedmont, the University of Valle d’Aosta – Université de la Vallée d’Aoste and the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo was signed. 

The commitment is to ensure mutual access to library facilities, according to each university’s rules. User identification will be guaranteed by the presentation of the university card or “smart card”.

Thanks to the agreement, therefore, students, professors and technical staff of each university will be able to take advantage of many of the services offered by all the libraries of the signatory universities free of charge and in a reciprocal regime. This also includes photo reproduction and printing services from home and – in compliance with current legislation – the possibility of receiving books and copies of articles or parts of volumes owned by other libraries at one’s own library via the internet. In addition, users of all universities will then be guaranteed the consultation of the bibliographic and documentary heritage of the universities, with the clarification that users’ access to electronic resources will be allowed only from the computer stations made available in the premises of the libraries that host them.

It will also be possible to use the computer workstations and surf the net, carry out bibliographic searches and access documentary resources selected in line with the mission and objectives of study, research and documentation of the libraries.

The universities also plan to cooperate when it comes to organizing staff refreshers and training initiatives, as well as in the implementation of further joint interlibrary projects.

In this way, the foundations are laid for implementing projects aimed at the innovation of strategies and practices concerning digital library services and the promotion of open access to cultural and scientific resources.

Finally, in a medium and long-term perspective, it is the will of the sponsoring universities to collaborate in the construction and enhancement of knowledge through the culture of books – paper and/or digital – to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of the territory, and to achieve common objectives in terms of the Third Mission.

Study Room Hours:
Monday to Friday, 10:00 am – 5:30 pm

The Online Library, realized with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo, provides electronic journals and databases. It is possible to access articles and databases from any internet station by entering your Unisg username and password

Online resource search engine>

Alphabetical list of online publications by subscription>

Unisg Library – User Guide >

Subscription to the Renewable Matter magazine > To download the monthly PDF it is mandatory to register on the website with the university email address with the domain / /

For assistance in the use of digital resources, you can send an email to


The next training session will be reported here.

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To use the software, you need to configure your own Qualtrics account; simply point your browser to:, and insert your UNISG credentials to begin the process.

Unisg Library & Study Room
Frazione Pollenzo – 12042 Bra (Cn) – Italy | +39 0172 458523 –