The Journal of Gastronomic Sciences is an editorial project of the University of Pollenzo (CN) which aims at offering an online platform for collecting, sharing and disseminating scientific contributions concerning food, nutrition and “gastronomic sciences” in their holistic, complex and multidisciplinary meaning.

This initiative develops in the light of the current international debate on food that points out the need for a systemic and interconnected approach which involves all disciplines and types of knowledge, both social and human sciences as well as earth and technological ones.

To this end, the journal hosts, on the one hand, the best theses of the University students carried out during their studies (Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Masters); on the other hand, academic contributions, articles and essays by professors, research fellows, Ph.D. students and scholars.

Bartolomeo Biolatti

Simone Cinotto

Paolo Corvo

Michele Antonio Fino

Nicola Perullo (direttore)

Andrea Pieroni

Luisa Torri

Chiara Chirilli

Elena Corcione

Elena Mancioppi (segretaria)

Giulia Mattalia

Lorenzo Bairati

Antonella Campanini

Roberta Cevasco

Julien Delarue (UC Davis)

Franco Fassio

Michele Filippo Fontefrancesco

Michael Bom Frøst (Copenhagen University)

Paola Migliorini

Gabriella Morini

Maria Giovanna Onorati

Maria Piochi

Gabriele Proglio

Donatella Saccone

A History of Wine, Spirits and Drunkenness in Art
Archive Master's thesis Philosophy and Aesthetics

A History of Wine, Spirits and Drunkenness in Art

This thesis explores the intertwining narratives of wine, spirits, and drunkenness in art history, examining the cultural, social, and symbolic significance of these elements. In this case, I have examined the presentation of wine, spirits, and drunkenness in art in two significant art periods: the Dutch Golden Age of the 17th century and late 19th/early … …read more

Multifaceted Memories: oral history of Cuban citizens on food, justice, and future imaginaries
Archive Master's degree thesis History

Multifaceted Memories: oral history of Cuban citizens on food, justice, and future imaginaries

This thesis presents the findings of an oral history conducted in Havana, Cuba during the summer of 2022, focusing on the memories of Cuban citizens regarding food, justice, and future imaginaries. Grounded in memory studies, the research explores food as a tool to access memory and build relationships. The interviews uncovered themes such as food … …read more

Smallholder farmers’ perception of pest management and the agroecological approach on banana weevil, cosmopolites sordidus, in Mukono district, Uganda
Archive Three-year degree thesis Agroecology

Smallholder farmers’ perception of pest management and the agroecological approach on banana weevil, cosmopolites sordidus, in Mukono district, Uganda

Bananas, and the East African Highland Banana (EAHB) in particular, are an essential part of Uganda’s culture and economy. Unfortunately, the banana plant knows many pests, among which the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus; a small and highly destructive insect. Most of Uganda’s working population is in some way involved in agriculture, and the agricultural sector … …read more

Agriculture as a tool to overcome the urban crisis of imagination
Archive Three-year degree thesis Philosophy and Aesthetics

Agriculture as a tool to overcome the urban crisis of imagination

A creative journey to the margins of being   This thesis is a philosophical/auto-ethnographic/artistic inquiry into the beneficial aspects of farming, in the light of individualisation and commodification of society, as I show it to be a marginal experience of both identity and body. The following philosophers with respective concepts are used: Tim Ingold and … …read more

La Mia Camicia di Fatica
Archive Master's thesis Philosophy and Aesthetics

La Mia Camicia di Fatica

Approaching the Aesthetic Sensibility and Epistemology of An Artisan-Farmer and its Cosmogonic Possibilities The two central problematics of this thesis are the historical marginalisation of artisanal knowledge and practices, and the increasingly endemic crisis of reality which is being experienced in Western modernity. I argue that these two seemingly distant problems are in fact symptoms … …read more