Professor Nicola Perullo is the new Rector of the University of Gastronomic Sciences

Professor Nicola Perullo is the new Rector of the University of Gastronomic Sciences
He officially assumed the position on September 1, 2024.

Appointed on April 18, Nicola Perullo, former Vice-Rector and Full Professor of Aesthetics, officially took office as the new Rector on September 1, 2024.

Nicola Perullo, a native of Livorno, is a philosopher and essayist who has been a foundational member of the University of Pollenzo since its inception in 2004. As a Full Professor of Aesthetics at the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, he has served as Vice-Rector since 2019.

I begin this mandate with a profound sense of gratitude towards Pollenzo and its entire community—students, administrative and technical staff, colleagues, stakeholders, Slow Food, and the governance—with which I have proudly been associated for over twenty years. I have grown both existentially and professionally within this environment, where I have had the privilege of meeting extraordinary individuals. I hope to now contribute in some measure to giving back what I have received,” stated the new Rector as he began his term. “My commitment to our small yet significant University will be absolute, aiming to build a future rooted in the visionary enthusiasm of its origins. The University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo is a center of excellence in higher education, not just in Italy but internationally. We must work together to continue cultivating this unique educational space, where profound knowledge and skills about food—understood as a complex yet fundamental subject for the well-being of humanity and the planet—can thrive.”


Nicola Perullo (Livorno, 1970) is a Professor of Aesthetics. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy in 1994 with a thesis on Derrida and Wittgenstein under the guidance of Aldo G. Gargani and Jacques Derrida. He completed his Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2001 at the University of Pisa with a dissertation on Giambattista Vico, supervised by Leonardo Amoroso. In 1997, he translated and edited Derrida’s works for Raffaello Cortina Limited Inc. and wrote numerous essays for the journal aut-aut. His first book, Bestie e Bestioni. Il problema dell’animale in Vico, was published in 2002 by Guida Editore.

Around 2002, he joined the University of Gastronomic Sciences and began his research on the philosophical and aesthetic foundations of food and taste. He was a pioneer in Italy in the Aesthetics of food and gustatory taste.
His first publication,
Per un’estetica del cibo (Aesthetica Edizioni, 2006), opened up new avenues for research, followed by L’altro gusto (ETS, 2008) and Filosofia della gastronomia laica (Meltemi, 2010). With his work Il gusto come esperienza (2012), he contributed to a new approach to gustatory taste appreciation. The book was translated into English by Columbia University Press in 2016 (Taste as Experience) and into Portuguese (2015). Another field of study has been the intersection of food and art, culminating in the publication of La cucina è arte? Filosofia della passione culinaria (Carocci, 2013).

In the last eight years, his research has focused on proposing a participatory and implicative model of knowledge. Wine was chosen as a case study to practice an ecological paradigm of appreciation. The two books Epistenologia. Il vino e la creatività del tatto (Mimesis, 2016) and Il gusto non è un senso ma un compito (Mimesis, 2018) address this issue and have become points of reference in the field. These works were also published in English (Epistenology. Wine as Experience, Columbia University Press, 2020).

His latest book is Estetica ecologica. Percepire saggio, vivere corrispondente (Mimesis, 2020), in which he presents the theory of ecological perception as a phenomenology of relationships.

Beyond his books, he is the author of more than fifty essays and papers.