The University of Gastronomic Sciences is looking for scientists at the forefront of food related research.

UNISG, a Hub for the world of food research and food studies.

As a leading research university, UNISG strives to shape a world-class scientific profile, leveraging the best skills in the fields of food research and food studies to explore new, cutting-edge research directions at the frontiers of disciplines.

In the last few years, UNISG has set out a research agenda designed around a selection of young international scientists with the aim to attract the best talents working on food worldwide through an international process of recruitment.

UNISG wishes in particular to hire ERC awardees as assistants or associate professors, focusing on food topics.

The Principal Investigator has the right to require the transfer of the research project to a new beneficiary, as long as the research objectives of the project are preserved.

Grant portability is likely to further empower researchers giving them the freedom to bring their research and research team with them to Pollenzo.



Please contact if you want to move your project to Pollenzo!