Master Archive
Specializing Master in Design for Food
Specializing Master in Design for Food 2021 - 2023
The Specializing Master in DESIGN FOR FOOD is provided by the Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences and managed by
The Specializing Master integrates extensive design skills with thematic and specific competences in the food area, related to humanities, gastronomic sciences, engineering and food technology.
It, therefore, provides a wide-ranging designing capacity on processes and tools for the design of food product-service systems and a series of specific in-depth thematics, useful for understanding culture, sociological and anthropological factors and also scientific and technological aspects.
As a whole, it provides an explanatory and comprehensive overview of food systems, from agricultural production to food processing, from distribution to consumption, from planning to recycling in a circular economy approach.
The interdisciplinary approach developed by the collaboration between UNISG and di Milano includes subjects such as:
- Semiotics of Food
- Food And Taste Sciences
- Sensory Analysis and Food Technology for Quality Food
- Advanced Food and Trade Law
- Food Aesthetics and Communication
- Systemic Design for Circular Economy
- Food Service Design
- Food Branding and Narrative
- Systems And Technologies for Food Industry
- Food Business Innovation and Sustainability Challenges
Having conducted over 1.000 study trips in 15 years, UNISG will also take care of the organization of two study trips that will allow students to learn through visits, workshops and tastings.
Didactic Plan
The Design for Food specializing Master is organized according to a mix of theory and practice that sees the alternation of lessons and hands-on activities on projects and exercises organized in the form of workshops or applied experiences, such as study-tours and compulsory internship.
The Design for Food specializing Master is structured according to an lesson plan that provides:
- Frontal lessons: aimed to introduce the main themes of study and the acquisition of tools and methodologies for analysis and design development; the lessons are held by a Faculty with professors from the Politecnico di Milano and the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, in addition to qualified external professionals;
- Workshop: “hands-on” activities developed in studio (also in collaboration with external companies) aimed at the application of tools and methodologies for the development of product-service ideas;
- Study Trips: educational trips aimed to approach the topics dealt with, through experiences applied to real contexts in the food sector;
- Internship: 470 hours of training experience in a partner reality of the Master or suggested directly by the participants in agreement with the coordination of the Master.
Duration: 1-year
Credits: 60 CFU (Formative University Credits) equivalent to 60 ECTS
Language: English
Certificate granted: Diploma of Specializing Master in “DESIGN FOR FOOD” by the Politecnico di Milano
Venue:, Via Don Giovanni Verità, 25 – 20158 Milan
Starting date: January 2024
Master of Applied Gastronomy: Culinary Arts
Master of Applied Gastronomy 2019 - 2023
Become a culinary professional who’s able to work in order to implement healthy, sustainable and fair food systems. Develop your own cuisine style by exploring the culinary arts, focusing on their processes and understanding why and how food transformations happen.
Analyze the complex world of gastronomy through the lens of cuisine and gain the necessary skills to:
- have a positive impact on food systems improving health and well-being by celebrating and preserving biological and cultural diversity; improving the conditions of production, processing, distribution and consumption of food; implementing environmental and social sustainability and food sovereignty
- be part of a network of professionals that are aware of sustainability
- design your own professional path
- face the modern issues that involve cuisine and food transformations
Graduates from this course leave with profound academic knowledge and technical savoir faire, and are able to perform to the highest standards, with brains as sharp as their knives. They are trained to be the next generation of professionals, who are armed with state of the art knowledge and skills as they become ready to cook in the future.
The strength of this curriculum is its unique combination of teaching by academic experts, in conjunction with practitioners who operate at the highest levels.
Professors and experts will not only teach separately, but also together in what we call co-teaching lectures, making this a unique chance to promote reflections and practice. Touching on many disciplines of gastronomic sciences, with theoretical lessons reinforced and fully understood through their practical application to the culinary arts.
Basic Courses: These courses will teach the basic knowledge needed to acquire a scientific method to understand and investigate the culinary arts related world; the reason why we transform food and how perception and appreciation work.
Processes: The focus is to deepen our understanding of the key processes in food transformations and how to manage them; to be free to decide, plan, and execute self determined professional paths including modern, social, and environmental issues that are the challenges of the future cook. Under the guidance of international professors, experts, professionals, and chefS.
Study trips: To provide the students with a profound understanding of global food systems, both artisanal and industrial, by visiting far-flung places and going behind the scenes of food production and transformation. Study trips allow students to meet the real protagonists of contemporary food systems, such as farmers, producers, chefs and other food professionals, while tasting typical products in their areas of origin.
Internship: to provide students the opportunity to explore-through work experience-the world of food production and transformation, in order to make them aware of its complexity, while learning from the diversity of shared experiences with their peers.
Final Thesis and Presentation: Structured as a regular academic and referenced report; to be completed under the guidance of a faculty advisor, on a topic relating to the program’s content or the internship experience, and expected to bring new and original knowledge to the field of culinary arts. As an alternative to the thesis, there is the possibility to write a report (not necessarily referenced) on a topic related to the program’s content or the internship experience.
Food Chemistry: Gastronomic Molecules
Food Microbiology |
Taste Science |
The Planetary Health Diet |
Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience |
Sensory and Consumer Science |
Ecology |
Animal Production |
Crop Production |
Basic Cooking Techniques |
Scouting and Sourcing Research |
Foraging Theory |
Foraging Practices |
Cuisine Gardening |
From Raw to Cooked |
How to treat) Raw materials |
Cold Meat Maturation, Cuts, Deboning |
Textures |
Heating |
Whole ingredients approach: Working for a Planned Result |
Preserving & Fermenting |
Fermentation – Lab and Research |
Fermentation in Restaurants |
Fermentation Theory and Practice – Bread |
Infusion and Extraction |
The Art of Herbs and Spices Mixing |
Pairing |
Creating a Dish |
Naming and Plating |
Menu Construction |
Food and Drinks |
Innovating |
Dining (R)evolutions |
Research and Development |
Product Development |
Contemporary Cuisine |
Managing |
Managing Human Resources |
Managing Consultancy |
Managing Connections |
Communicating |
Describing: Food Critics |
Food Communication and Media |
Cook Books |
Commoning |
Mass Catering |
Gender and Cuisine |
Food Literacy trough Cuisine |
UNISG incubated ideas |
Seminars and meetings with former UNISG students presenting their successful and revolutionary business cases and experiences, in order to start building a professional network. |
Alto Apprendistato
Alto Apprendistato 2016
Durante il corso di Alto Apprendistato in Mastri Birrai, aula e bottega sono le due anime integrate e armoniche del percorso formativo, in cui i saperi umanistici e tecnologici delle scienze gastronomiche dell’ateneo di Pollenzo si intrecciano con il savoir faire dell’eccellenza artigiana della rete di Slow Food. Dal 2015 sono inoltre previsti laboratori propedeutici al tirocinio in collaborazione con il birrificio Baladin presso lo stabilimento di Farigliano.
Il corso offre concrete opportunità di lavoro a giovani diplomati e neolaureati, ma anche a chi, già inserito nel mondo del lavoro, vuole abbracciare una nuova, appagante professione.
Il corso di Alto Apprendistato rilascia un diploma di Master di primo livello con 60 CFU; un attestato di frequenza ai partecipanti in possesso di licenza media o diploma superiore. A tutti i partecipanti è richiesto di produrre il capolavoro e un elaborato finale.
Numero massimo di partecipanti ammessi: 20
Frequenza: obbligatoria
Apertura preiscrizione online: 15 luglio 2015
Chiusura preiscrizione online: 15 febbraio 2016
Data inizio Master: 7 marzo 2016
Contenuti e metodologia didattica
Le discipline del corso di Alto Apprendistato spaziano dalle materie umanistiche a quelle tecniche e scientifiche, aziendali e multimediali. Prevedono lezioni frontali e laboratori pratici. Sono previsti viaggi didattici sul territorio in modo da fornire agli studenti una visione a 360° sul mestiere e una capacità di lettura critica e interdisciplinare del settore studiato. A completamento del percorso formativo è prevista l’esperienza di apprendistato presso due realtà artigianali diverse, della durata complessiva di otto mesi, per mettere in pratica e sperimentare ciò che gli studenti hanno imparato sui libri e sul territorio.
I corsi in lingua italiana hanno la durata di 14 mesi e prevedono:
• 5 mesi d’aula inclusi gli esami presso l’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo, per approfondire i processi di trasformazione e le caratteristiche delle materie prime; l’economia e la legislazione delle aziende alimentari; l’arte della degustazione, la cultura e l’antropologia gastronomica. Le lezioni si svolgeranno in aula presso l’ateneo di Pollenzo, ma anche in aziende, attraverso viaggi didattici, laboratori e testimonianze di artigiani.
• 8 mesi di apprendistato presso i laboratori artigianali selezionati da Slow Food e dall’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche sulla base delle competenze e della capacità di reinterpretare in chiave contemporanea le forme e le pratiche dei mestieri della tradizione. Ogni studente avrà la possibilità di conoscere e imparare il mestiere da due realtà artigianali diverse.
• 1 mese per confronti post apprendistato, produzione del capolavoro ed elaborato finale
Piano di studi
Le discipline del corso di Alto Apprendistato spaziano dalle materie umanistiche a quelle tecniche e scientifiche, aziendali e multimediali:
- Microbiologia
- Chimica
- Botanica e agronomia
- Tecnologie alimentari
- Analisi sensoriale e degustazione
- Principi di dietetica e nutrizione
- Storia dell’alimentazione
- Antropologia
- Sociologia
- Economia aziendale
- Diritto alimentare
- Tecniche filmiche e linguaggi multimediali
- Marketing
- Didattica integrativa
- Sicurezza in azienda (d.lgs. 81/08; accordo 21/12/2011):
- Testimonianze degli artigiani
- Viaggi didattici
- Apprendistato
Corsi aggiornati all’a.a. 2016/17. Gli insegnamenti possono essere soggetti a variazioni di orari e contenuti
Two-year Graduate Degree
Laurea Magistrale in Gestione del Patrimonio Gastronomico e Turistico 2017
The program is taught in Italian. Proficiency in written and spoken Italian is required.
La Laurea Magistrale in Gestione del Patrimonio Gastronomico e Turistico è pensata per la formazione di professionisti del settore agroalimentare che sappiano sviluppare nuove idee imprenditoriali e trovare soluzioni innovative.
Il corso ha un approccio interdisciplinare, e uno spazio rilevante per attività operative a contatto con le imprese e le istituzioni, quali i field project e il tirocinio finale.
Gli insegnamenti impartiti nel corso di laurea hanno un focus sui temi della Food Innovation and Entrepreneurship, e mirano a sviluppare nei partecipanti competenze imprenditoriali e di gestione dei processi d’innovazione.
Numero massimo di partecipanti ammessi: 40
Frequenza: obbligatoria
Apertura preiscrizioni online: 10 febbraio 2017
Chiusura preiscrizioni online: 30 maggio 2017 per la prima sessione • 27 luglio 2017 per la seconda sessione
Inizio lezioni: 14 settembre 2017
Colloqui finalizzati all’ammissione: da concordare con la Direzione del Corso
L’approccio interdisciplinare del Corso di Laurea Magistrale si declina in una serie di insegnamenti obbligatori che afferiscono ai 5 principali ambiti disciplinari sopra delineati. Le Discipline economiche e gestionali hanno l’obiettivo di sviluppare la capacità di analizzare e gestire processi decisionali in aziende specializzate nelle produzioni alimentari o in aziende turistiche a forte orientamento enogastronomico. Nell’ambito delle Discipline del territorio e delle Discipline storiche, delle arti e dello spettacolo vengono fornite competenze in materia di analisi dei terroir, dei prodotti tipici, dei temi ambientali ed ecologici di agricoltura sostenibile. Le Discipline giuridiche e sociali sviluppano competenze in materia di analisi della legislazione (a livello nazionale e internazionale) relativa alle produzioni agroalimentari e competenze in materia di analisi dei gruppi sociali e del comportamento dei consumatori. Infine, nell’ambito disciplinare relativo alle Lingue straniere vengono trasmesse conoscenze orientate a supportare l’attività di innovazione e sviluppo di nuovi prodotti del settore agroalimentare destinati ai mercati esteri e a condurre attività di marketing e comunicazione internazionale relativa ai prodotti agroalimentari di qualità.
Agli insegnamenti di carattere obbligatorio si affiancano diverse proposte di insegnamenti a scelta suddivisi nei due anni di corso e inerenti temi di forte attualità ed impegno legati ad ambiti disciplinari complementari al percorso formativo, temi che vedono il coinvolgimento in Ateneo di relatori esterni di notevole spessore. All’avvio del corso, nel primo semestre, a tutti gli studenti viene offerto un ciclo di seminari nell’ambito di discipline a forte contenuto tecnico-specialistico legate al settore dell’enogastronomia e dei relativi servizi turistici.
Gli insegnamenti erogati si caratterizzano prevalentemente per una didattica attiva che prevede momenti di analisi e preparazione svolti singolarmente dagli studenti, discussioni di gruppo, presentazioni alla classe ed esercitazioni.
Primo semestre
Seminari introduttivi tecnico-specialistici
Economia politica e sostenibilità
Sociologia dei consumi
Geografia ed ecologia del terroir
Storia e tradizione del patrimonio gastronomico (modulo I)
Secondo semestre
Management e marketing dell’impresa alimentare
Diritto degli alimenti e della loro produzione
Systemic Food Design
Storia e tradizione del patrimonio gastronomico (moduli II e III)
1 Insegnamento a scelta
Progetto sul campo/Field project
Viaggi didattici
Primo semestre
Estetica e linguaggi della gastronomia contemporanea
Diritto del commercio internazionale
English for food business and food culture
1 Insegnamento a scelta
Secondo semestre
Tirocinio aziendale
Tesi di laurea
Insegnamenti a scelta
Introduzione alla conoscenza e all’apprezzamento del vino
Sostenibilità ambientale
Disciplina societaria e aspetti giuridici della concorrenza
Valutazione della sostenibilità dell’agroecosistema
Piano di studi per gli studenti immatricolati alla Coorte 2017/2018. Gli insegnamenti possono essere soggetti a variazioni. Alcuni insegnamenti si articolano in più moduli.
I field project sono progetti di carattere interdisciplinare realizzati da gruppi di studenti sotto la guida di un docente per conto di aziende e/o istituzioni nazionali o internazionali, che conferiscono al gruppo di lavoro un mandato per l’analisi di problematiche specifiche e per la ricerca di soluzioni innovative.
Tali progetti, assimilabili nei contenuti a progetti di consulenza per le aziende o di ricerca applicata, hanno una durata di quattro mesi e sono sottoposti ad un processo strutturato di sviluppo che prevede una verifica periodica dello stato di avanzamento. Al loro completamento sono sottoposti ad un feedback formale da parte del committente e ad una valutazione da parte del docente incaricato.
Il percorso di studi si caratterizza per la presenza di due viaggi didattici che constano in tour guidati, di circa una settimana, presso produttori e aziende dei settori enogastronomico e turistico sotto la supervisione di tutor e docenti.
I due viaggi didattici previsti durante il primo anno di corso sono svolti in piccoli gruppi di studenti che beneficiano di una formazione ad hoc ex ante (prima del viaggio) e di una attività di debreafing e razionalizzazione ex post (a conclusione del viaggio).
Il percorso di studi prevede nel secondo semestre del secondo anno la realizzazione di un tirocinio della durata di circa 4 mesi, svolto in aziende o istituzioni italiane e estere con cui UNISG ha rapporti consolidati, tra le quali i Partner Strategici e Soci Sostenitori UNISG.
La scelta del tirocinio viene effettuata attraverso un servizio di placement personalizzato per ciascuno studente che viene erogato dal Career Office. Tramite appuntamenti di formazione collettiva in aula e un percorso di orientamento individuale, viene individuato il tirocinio più coerente con gli ambiti disciplinari a cui lo studente è maggiormente interessato e in cui verosimilmente svolgerà il lavoro di tesi.
La durata minima del tirocinio è posta in 200 ore totali: affinché sia maggiormente formativo ed efficace in termini di placement post stage, l’UNISG suggerisce percorsi di tirocinio di durata variabile fino a 5 mesi, sostenendo economicamente il tirocinante durante l’esperienza. Mediamente il 40% dei tirocini si conclude con un’offerta a carattere lavorativo da parte dell’azienda o dell’istituzione ospitante.
Il Career Center UNISG assiste gli studenti nel trovare aziende che abbiano un approccio contemporaneo al mondo del cibo e facilita la transizione dall’Università al contesto lavorativo.
L’ufficio svolge anche un continuo lavoro di monitoraggio e accompagnamento degli studenti dopo il corso, favorendo l’incontro tra i nuovi gastronomi e le realtà lavorative agroalimentari in cerca di figure professionali innovative e altamente competenti.
L’importo della retta per l’anno accademico 2017/18 è di € 14.500 per il 1° anno e di € 9.200 per il 2° anno e comprende:
- tutte le attività didattiche, comprese le conferenze, le degustazioni, i seminari
- i libri di testo (volumi, dispense)
- la partecipazione a tutti gli eventi promossi dall’Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche e da Slow Food
- copertura sanitaria d’emergenza con polizza assicurativa per studenti non-EU
- 4000 crediti caricati sulla tessera della mensa universitaria “Le Tavole Accademiche” (il cui valore corrisponde a 400€) e, per il secondo anno, 2000 crediti caricati sulla tessera della mensa universitaria “Le Tavole Accademiche” (il cui valore corrisponde a 200€)
- l’accesso ai servizi del Career Office (placement specializzato nel food)
Possono preiscriversi al Corso di Laurea Magistrale:
- i candidati in possesso di un titolo di laurea triennale tra quelli indicati nel documento Modalità di Preiscrizione e di Ammissione
- i candidati in procinto di conseguire un titolo di laurea triennale tra quelli indicati nel documento Modalità di Preiscrizione e di Ammissione entro la sessione straordinaria del 2016/17 presso l’Ateneo di provenienza
- i candidati in possesso o in procinto di conseguire un titolo di laurea triennale conseguito fuori dall’ordinamento italiano e compatibile con un titolo tra quelli indicati nel documento Modalità di Preiscrizione e di Ammissione
I candidati di madrelingua non-italiana devono possedere un livello di conoscenza della lingua italiana a partire da B2(secondo quanto previsto dal Quadro europeo comune di riferimento per le lingue) comprovato in occasione del colloquio/prova di ammissione di lingua italiana
Gli studenti in possesso della laurea di I livello in Scienze Gastronomiche (Classe di Laurea L26) conseguita presso l’Ateneo di Pollenzo, potranno procedere direttamente all’iscrizione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale.
L’iscrizione al corso di Laurea Magistrale in Gestione del Patrimonio Gastronomico e Turistico prevede il superamento dei seguenti passaggi:
- la registrazione dei dati anagrafici sul portale UNISG
- il caricamento del dossier
- lo svolgimento di una prova scritta analitica online
- un colloquio online
Master in Cucina Slow
Master in Cucina Slow: Teoria e Pratiche della Sostenibilità Gastronomica
Il Master in Cucina Slow: Teoria e Pratiche della Sostenibilità Gastronomica (evoluzione del Master in Cucina Popolare Italiana di Qualità) propone un modo di fare cucina, basato sulla conoscenza dei prodotti e sulla filosofia Slow Food.
Grazie ad un approccio che propone sia discipline scientifiche sia umanistiche, il programma fornisce le conoscenze necessarie per praticare una cucina che armonizzi l’esperienza gastronomica con la sostenibilità e la salute.
Lezioni pratiche, discipline scientifiche e umanistiche, incontri con noti chef, seminari con produttori, viaggi didattici e tirocini in osterie Slow Food e ristoranti si alternano durante tutto l’anno.
Gli studenti del corso si formano in un ambiente unico, a stretto contatto con gli studenti dei corsi di laurea e degli altri Master che provengono da tutto il mondo e possono partecipare ai vari incontri, conferenze ed eventi organizzati dall’Università.
Lavazza sostiene il diritto allo studio degli studenti iscritti al “Master in Cucina Slow: Teoria e Pratiche della Sostenibilità Gastronomica” erogando la somma complessiva di 12.500 euro, suddivisa in due contributi. Il primo consiste nell’assegnare a tutti gli studenti iscritti 400 euro caricati sulla tessera mensa delle Tavole Accademiche. Il secondo contributo consiste in 3 premi conferiti ai primi classificati in una prova di cucina, che utilizzi un caffè fornito da Lavazza tra gli ingredienti. Questi premi variano da 3.000€ a 1.000€, in base al numero degli studenti iscritti al Master.
Numero massimo di partecipanti: 20
Frequenza obbligatoria all’80 % delle lezioni teoriche e pratiche
Fine preiscrizioni: 6 luglio 2017
Pubblicazione Graduatoria: 13 luglio 2017
Inizio Master: 11 settembre 2017
Il master è disponibile anche in ligua inglese: maggiori informazioni >
Contenuti e metodologia didattica
Il corso propone lezioni in diversi ambiti del sapere, sia scientifico sia umanistico, sui prodotti e le loro filiere, oltre che l’acquisizione di tecniche di cucina. La finalità è di aiutare chi vuole intraprendere, o sta iniziando, questa professione, a realizzare una cucina in grado di armonizzare l’esperienza gastronomica con la sostenibilità e la salute.
Principale novità rispetto ai corsi di cucina proposti in passato, è costituita dall’inserimento di due moduli didattici di approfondimento: nel primo si è allargato lo sguardo alle applicazioni della pratica di cucina nel settore della sostenibilità ambientale e sociale; sarà costituito da incontri con docenti provenienti sia dall’Italia che dall’estero che affronteranno i temi dell’educazione alimentare e della ristorazione quali strumenti di promozione sociale, della sostenibilità in ambito ristorativo, del recupero e della riutilizzazione dello scarto di cucina. Nel secondo, il corso di nutrizione si accompagna ad incontri e lezioni pratiche con cuochi professionisti che dedicano particolare attenzione nel mettere a punto una cucina che armonizzi il gusto con le esigenze nutrizionali e le diete speciali.
Il modello didattico è invariato, con alternanza di lezioni teoriche e lezioni pratiche (con lo Chef docente UniSG e con chef ospiti), incontri con i produttori e viaggi didattici durante i due periodi di circa due mesi ciascuno trascorsi a Pollenzo e due esperienze di tirocinio formativo in Osterie e Ristoranti italiani. Al termine del percorso formativo è previsto un terzo breve periodo a Pollenzo per le prove finali.
I viaggi di studio, un elemento essenziale di tutti i corsi UNISG, sono anche una caratteristica del Master in cucina Slow
Gli studenti del corso avranno anche l’opportunità unica di conoscere le Tavole Accademiche, la mensa sostenibile di UNISG, attraverso i pasti e incontri con gli chef ospiti.
Il Master in Cucina Slow: Teoria e pratica della sostenibilità gastronomica rilascia un diploma di Master di primo livello (60 CFU) agli studenti laureati e un attestato di frequenza agli altri partecipanti. Il corso comprenderà oltre 500 ore di lezione, almeno la metà delle quali sarà dedicato alla pratica di cucina.
Piano di studi
Materie di base
- Chimica degli Alimenti
- Microbiologia
- Sostenibilità dei Sistemi Agroalimentari
- Foraging
- Analisi Sensoriale
- Sistemi di Ristorazione
- Storia della Cucina e dell’Alimentazione
- Filosofia del Cibo
- Diritto Alimentare
- Business Management
- Comunicazione: guide, blog, web
- Vino
- Birra
- Pratica in Cucina – Tecniche di Base
Didattica dei prodotti Agroalimentari
- Grassi
- Uova
- Latte e Derivati
- Carne e pesce
- Vegetali
- Cereali
- Spezie
- Cioccolata
- Caffè
Cucina Sostenibile
Cucina Strumento di Salute
* Il piano di studi può essere soggetto a modifiche
Chef Ospiti & Tirocini
Osterie e ristoranti che collaborano con la Scuola, tenendo lezioni pratiche e ospitando gli studenti per i tirocini formativi.
Le osterie sono selezionate confrontandosi con la Redazione della Guida Osterie d’Italia di Slow Food, che ha selezionato quelle più in sintonia con la sua filosofia.
L’osteria offriva in passato vino e qualche piatto di famiglia, ed era un luogo popolare; oggi lo è ancora ma in un’altra accezione: offre piatti e vini di qualità ed una cucina che guarda alla tradizione, utilizza prodotti locali e si cura della sostenibilità. Ha prezzi contenuti ed è solo italiana.
Career Office
Il Career Office UNISG assiste gli studenti nel trovare aziende che abbiano un approccio contemporaneo al mondo del cibo e facilita la transizione dall’Università al contesto lavorativo.
L’ufficio svolge anche un continuo lavoro di monitoraggio e accompagnamento degli studenti dopo il corso, favorendo l’incontro tra i nuovi gastronomi e le realtà lavorative agroalimentari in cerca di figure professionali innovative e altamente competenti.
Master Wine
Master in Wine Culture, Communication & Management 2018
Designed to train wine tellers and wine ambassadors who market wine with storytelling based on its enological, agricultural, environmental and cultural complexity.
They will be grapevine cultivation, wine culture and winemaking professionals with the skills to generate new marketing strategies and manage product innovation.
This Master combines classes, tastings, visits to wineries and vineyards and study trips plus meetings led by Italian and international personalities from enology, agronomy, wine culture and wine management.
Designed with the Wine Bank and Slow Food’s Slow Wine and taught in a UNESCO castle in the Langhe.
Group: maximum 25 students
Attendance: mandatory
Program language: English
Program direction: Prof. Michele A. Fino
Subject Areas
Three areas will be explored during the Master program in Wine Culture, Communication & Management:
I – Wine Culture
Students learn about wine’s millennia-old history and the winemaking process, with a focus on Italy, once known as Enotria, the land of wine.
- Basics of Viticulture
- Enology
- Basics of Tasting Techniques
- Geography of Terroir
- Entomology and Vineyard Safeguarding
- Pruning and Soil Management
- Biodynamic Viticulture
- Sensory Analysis of Wine
- Tastings
II – Wine Communication
Based on a solid knowledge of wine culture and production, students learn how to communicate and articulate a storytelling approach to wine while acquiring the necessary skills to market it.
- Food Communication
- Wine Communication
- Wine History and Cultures
- “Epistenology”: Knowledge about Wine, Knowledge with Wine
- Anthropology of Wine
- History of Art in Wine-Producing Areas
- Epistenological Writing Workshop
- Eno-Journalism and Wine Blogging
- Wine Journalism and Guides
III – Wine Management
Students learn about the wine business through numbers and case studies, looking at legal repercussions of consumption in society and analyzing some of the industry’s best examples of sustainability.
- Law and Legislation
- Wine Legislation
- Competitive Strategy & Entrepreneurship
- Wine Industry Marketing
- Wine Numbers
- Sociology of Food and Wine Consumption
- Intro to Photography and Copyright Laws
* Course and module titles subject to change
Study Trips
Within the Master in Wine Culture, Communication & Management, student’s classroom lectures will be complemented with a variety of formative experiences in the wine world: the study trips.
The beauty of experiential and innovative teaching methods used at UNISG and the three study trips allow the students to discover the most significant terroirs of our country.
Career Center
The Career Center supports students by helping them design their career project through the “Cultivating Your Career” program, structured around collective workshops and individual coaching.
Two Career Days per year (one international and one Italian) are organized by the Career Center to help students:
- seek potential internship and job positions
- start developing their own network of contacts
- gain a better understanding of different professional sectors to start or continue their career
- discover what UNISG gastronomes do once they graduate
Finally, students and graduates have access to the Career Center website where they can find job ads (up to 250 per year) news, contacts and updates.
Fees, Financial Aid & Scholarships
The university fee for the Master in Wine Culture, Communication & Management is €16,500
The fee includes:
- all academic activities, including conferences, tastings, and seminars;
- study material (in digital format);
- all study trip expenses as programmed, including travel, food and lodging;
- participation in all UNISG and Slow Food events as included in the Master program;
- civil insurance coverage (during academic activities);
- private insurance policy covering urgent healthcare for non-European students;
- 4000 credits on your lunch cards to be used at UNISG Academic Tables, learn more >
- access to Career Center services (food sector job placement).
Note: Fees do not include accommodation and the cost of obtaining an Italian permit of stay (“permesso di soggiorno”, around €150). Non-EU citizens must apply for a permesso di soggiorno at the post office, ideally with the assistance of the Al Elka Foreigner Services Center, within 8 working days after arriving in Italy. For more information, please see the Bureaucratic Procedures page on our website.
> an undergraduate or first-level degree
> proficiency in written and spoken English
Important Information
Students from all countries are eligible to apply. Note that diplomas issued from non EU-accredited institutions must be accompanied by an Italian consular accreditation (the “Dichiarazione di Valore” or “DV”) as part of the admission process, which candidates must obtain and submit to the Registrar Office. The original DV must be handed in to the Registrar Office no later than the first day of the program and will be kept by the university for the duration of the program. (The consulate may choose to send the document directly to UNISG.) The application to UNISG must be completed through an Italian consular representative. Applicants should contact their local Italian consulate as early as possible to ensure adequate time for all consular processes. For more information, please see the Bureaucratic Procedures page on our website.
In order to apply to the Master program in Wine Culture, Communication & Management, candidates must:
- register online;
obtain a positive evaluation of their Dossier.
All the aforementioned application steps are free and non-binding.
The admission process is on a rolling basis. Candidates will be informed of their admission status upon evaluation. The last date to submit your complete dossier is: November 6, 2018.
Please explain your situation and attach supporting documentation. An early admission request can only be submitted after the first deadline.
Before proceeding with the online application process, please read through the official announcements carefully:
Official Announcement Master in Wine Culture, Communication & Management 2018-19 >
Some words about this master by our Professors…
Master in Italian Wine Culture 2017
The Master in Italian Wine Culture, designed by the University of Gastronomic Sciences in collaboration with Slow Food and the Wine Bank, has the ambitious objective of training “wine tellers.” These new enological ambassadors play a leading role in Italian wine marketing and communication.
The Master follows the unique formula developed at Pollenzo, with classroom teaching complemented by trips to vineyards and wineries and meetings with leading figures from Italian and international enology, culture and agronomy. Wine is examined from a historical, cultural and environmental perspective, as well as technical and agricultural.
Groups: 25 students maximum
80% attendance is required
Application Deadline: January 16, 2017
Late applications with written excuse will be subject to evaluation by Faculty Council
Start Date: April 3, 2017
Language of program: English
Economists, sociologists, legal experts, historians, anthropologists, philosophers, agronomists, ampelographers, enologists, geologists and entomologists make up the course’s faculty, which consists of resident professors and visiting lecturers from many different backgrounds who come to Pollenzo from around Italy, Europe and the rest of the world.
In line with the traditions of the University of Gastronomic Sciences, theory will be regularly combined with practice. Classroom activities will be complemented by regular outings to see the work in the vineyard and winery as it happens. Destinations include many of Piedmont’s greatest producers, including Ceretto, Fontanafredda, Cantine Borgogno, Conterno Fantino, Contratto and La Spinetta.
The program also includes three study trips, each lasting a week, so that students can visit and learn more about some of the most important terroirs in northern, central and southern Italy.
The course year begins during winter pruning and concludes after vinification with a final educational internship.
Throughout the course, students will also hear from diverse professionals from the wine world, including agronomists who have spent years developing original vineyard management methods, botanists and ecologists, art historians and philosophers, geographers and sociologists, anthropologists and legal experts. Examples include Maurizio Gily, Jacky Rigaux, Claude e Lydia Bourguignon, Richard Baudains, Jeremy Parzen, Marco Baccaglio.
The packed program of supplementary teaching will also feature big names from the Italian and international winemaking scene, at the level of Anselme Selosse, Giuseppe Mazzacollin, Enzo Ercolino, Alessio Planeta, Guido Fantino and Pierluigi Zamò.
Lastly, thanks to a collaboration with Slow Food and the Wine Bank, the course will include tasting sessions organized by the Slow Wine editors, taking advantage of the huge selection of great Italian wines stored in the Wine Bank cellars.
This new professional figure has been identified by UNISG as a result of feedback from many wine producers, who have highlighted the need for this type of expert for the effective promotion of Italian wine.
Wine tellers have expert knowledge of vine cultivation and wine production, and know how to communicate years of enological and viticultural tradition, placing it within a framework of Italian art, history, anthropology and esthetics.
Wine tellers know how to narrate and market Italian wine, which they see as the product of a unique land. They know that in order to best appreciate a wine, one must get to know that land, along with and thanks to the wine.
The multifaceted curriculum of the Masters in Italian Wine Culture integrates technology, craft and culture in a way that has never been done before in Italy.
- Study trips: Three 5-6 day trips ( in the north, centre and south of Italy)
- Experience in the field: A few days each month will be dedicated to the cycle of the vine, with hands on lessons held in various Piedmontese vineyards and wineries such as: Aziende Vitivinicole Ceretto, Fontanafredda, Cantine Borgogno, Azienda Agricola Conterno e Fantino, ecc…
- Internship: 3 months internship in January and March
Main subject areas:
Viticulture, Ampelography and Soil Management
Enology and Tasting Techniques
Botany and Entomology
Geography of Terroirs
Sensory Analysis
Terroir Tasting
History of Wine
“Epistenology”: Knowledge About Wine, Knowledge With Wine
History of Italy and Italian Art
Anthropology of Wine
Principles of Holistic Gastronomy
Experiences of Sommellerie
Wine and Winery Economics
Law and Legislation
Wine Writing and Communication
Sociology of Consumption
Course updated in the academic year 2015/2016. Class hours and contents may vary.
Within the Masters in Italian Wine Culture, student’s classroom lectures will be complemented with a variety of formative experiences in the wine world: the study trips.
The beauty of experiential and innovative teaching methods used at UNISG and the three study trips allow the students to discover the most significant terroirs of our country.
The 2015 study trips were held in: Sicily, Tuscany and Venice.
The university fee for the Master in Italian Wine Culture is €16,500
The fee includes:
- all academic activities, including conferences, tastings, and seminars
- study material (in digital format)
- all study trip expenses as programmed, including travel, food and lodging
- participation in all UNISG and Slow Food events as included in the Master program
- civil insurance coverage (during academic activities)
- private insurance policy covering urgent healthcare for non-European students
- wifi internet access on campus
- all Registar Office certificates
- 4000 credits on your lunch cards to be used at UNISG Academic Tables
Note: Fees do not include the accomodation service in Pollenzo and the cost of obtaining an Italianpermesso di soggiorno (residency permit, around €180). Non-EU citizens must apply for a permesso di soggiorno at the post office, or at the Al Elka Foreigners’ Service, within 8 working days after arriving in Italy.
Meal service: More information about the meal service
> an undergraduate or first-level degree
> proficiency in written and spoken English
Important Information
Students from all countries are eligible to apply. Note that for all educational documents (diplomas, degrees, certificates, transcripts) issued outside of Italy, official translations and an Italian consular accreditation (the “Dichiarazione di Valore”) must be obtained by the student and submitted to the Registrar Office. The original document must be handed in to the Student Registrar Office no later than the first day of the program and will be kept by the university for the duration of the program. (The consulate may choose to send the document directly to UNISG.) The application to UNISG must be completed through an Italian consular representative. Applicants should contact their local Italian consulate as early as possible to ensure adequate time for all consular processes.
The University of Gastronomic Sciences organizes a one-year Master program in Italian Wine Culture. In order to apply to the Master in Italian Wine Culture, candidates must:
- register online
- complete a motivational test
- upload the documents for the application dossier
All the aforementioned application steps are free and non-binding.
Master in Cultura del Vino Italiano 2016
Il Master in Cultura del Vino Italiano, ideato dall’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche insieme a Slow Food e Banca del Vino, si pone l’ambizioso obiettivo di formare i wine teller ossia i nuovi ambasciatori del settore vitivinicolo d’Italia, protagonisti del marketing e della comunicazione del vino italiano.
Una formula unica che nasce esclusivamente a Pollenzo: didattica in aula, uscite in vigna e cantina, incontri con i grandi nomi dell’enologia italiana e internazionale, della cultura, dell’agronomia. Per pensare il vino nella sua complessità storica, culturale e ambientale oltre che tecnica e agronomica.
È una nuova figura professionale che l’UNISG ha individuato grazie al confronto con numerosi produttori vitivinicoli, i quali hanno evidenziato la necessità di profili di questo genere per una efficace promozione del vino italiano.
È un esperto dei processi produttivi e della coltivazione della vite, che sa trasmettere e comunicare anni di tradizione enologica e vitivinicola, inserendoli in un quadro fatto di arte, storia, antropologia ed estetica dell’Italia.
Il wineteller sa narrare e commerciare il vino italiano trattandolo come una sintesi di una terra unica, che bisogna conoscere insieme al vino e grazie al vino, per apprezzare meglio quest’ultimo.
Economisti, sociologi, giuristi, storici, antropologi, filosofi, agronomi, ampelografi, enologi, geologi ed entomologi formeranno la faculty del corso, unendo ai professori residenti i contributi di visiting professors da molte diverse realtà italiane, europee e mondiali.
Secondo la tradizione dell’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche, la teoria sarà con regolarità sposata alla prassi. L’attività in aula è completata da uscite periodiche degli studenti per partecipare – in vigna e cantina – direttamente ai lavori con alcuni dei più grandi produttori piemontesi: Aziende Vitivinicole Ceretto, Fontanafredda, Cantine Borgogno, Azienda Agricola Conterno e Fantino, Contratto, La Spinetta.
Il programma prevede anche 3 viaggi didattici della durata di una settimana per permettere ai partecipanti di visitare ed approfondire alcuni dei terroir più significativi dell’Italia settentrionale, centrale e meridionale.
L’anno di corso inizia al tempo della potatura invernale e si conclude, dopo la vinificazione, con un periodo di tirocinio formativo finale.
Arricchiscono ulteriormente il quadro testimonianze eterogenee dal mondo dell’enologia, con agronomi impegnati da anni a sviluppare modalità spesso originali di cura e gestione del vigneto, botanici ed ecologi, storici dell’arte e filosofi, geografi, sociologi, antropologi, nonché esperti di legislazione tra i quali: Maurizio Gily, Jacky Rigaux, Claude e Lydia Bourguignon, Richard Baudains,Jeremy Parzen, Marco Baccaglio.
E ancora: incontri con personalità della scena enoica italiana e internazionale del calibro di Anselme Selosse, Giuseppe Mazzacollin, Enzo Ercolino, Alessio Planeta, Guido Fantino, Pierluigi Zamò, grazie ad un fitto programma di didattica integrativa.
Infine, grazie alla collaborazione con Slow Food e la Banca del Vino, il corso sarà integrato da sessioni di degustazione a cura della redazione di Slow Wine e potrà contare sulla disponibilità di una selezione di grandi vini italiani conservati nelle cantine della Banca del Vino.
Gli ambiti disciplinari del master in Cultura del Vino Italiano sono molteplici e sono capaci di integrare tecnica e cultura come mai prima d’ora in Italia.
- Viaggi didattici: 3 viaggi di 5/6 giorni l’uno (nord, centro e sud Italia)
- Esperienza sul campo: ogni mese giornate dedicate al ciclo della vite presso importanti realtà vitivinicole piemontesi come: Aziende Vitivinicole Ceretto, Fontanafredda, Cantine Borgogno, Azienda Agricola Conterno e Fantino, ecc…
- Tirocinio in azienda: 3 mesi di tirocinio tra Gennaio e Marzo
Viticoltura, Ampelografia e Gestione dei suoli
Il rapporto tra la viticoltura, le caratteristiche e la qualità del vino è il filo conduttore del corso. Si tratta la coltivazione della vite in riferimento ai fattori del “terroir”: geografia, clima (e cambiamenti climatici), terreno, vitigno, ambiente economico-sociale, cultura agronomica, con un focus particolare su
- integrazione tra saperi tradizionali e ricerca scientifica;
- biodiversità nel vigneto;
- evoluzione delle tecniche in relazione alla specializzazione e alla meccanizzazione;
- mitigazione degli effetti negativi della coltivazione.
Il corso tratta inoltre delle principali malattie della vite, della loro progressione storica e delle diverse tecniche di difesa: convenzionale, biologica, integrata, genetica, alla luce delle acquisizioni più recenti.
Enologia e tecniche di degustazione
Il corso affronta quella che è stata l’evoluzione storica delle tecniche enologiche, con particolare riferimento a tutte le fasi che avvengono in cantina dopo la vendemmia e che seguono l’evoluzione prima del mosto e poi del vino. L’attenzione è posta sulla pigiatura, sulla fermentazione, sull’utilizzo e la funzione dei lieviti, sull’affinamento in differenti contenitori: acciaio, cemento, legno, anfora. Il corso è tenuto da una docente titolare di grande esperienza, con il contributo di testimonianze da parte di enologi diversi per stili e provenienze, per conferire agli studenti un panorama completo dello stato dell’arte di questa materia. Fondamentale importanza in questo corso, riveste la tecnica di degustazione, che è uno strumento per comprendere il valore di un vino e per poterne correggere imperfezioni e difetti, cercando di ricavare dai vini presenti in cantina il meglio possibile e comprendere anche il valore delle differenti partite che andranno selezionate per l’ingresso sul mercato.
Botanica e Entomologia
Il corso analizza le basi teoriche e concettuali delle scienze botaniche e entomologiche (morfologia, tassonomia, ecologia), focalizzando l’attenzione sulle “malerbe” e gli insetti dell’ecosistema “vigneto”. Il corso affronta anche la cucina tradizionale italiana a base di “malerbe” e propone nuovi possibili utilizzi di insetti ed erbe nelle moderne traiettorie della gastronomia.
Geografia dei Terroir
Il corso affronta l’approccio storico e geografico analitico al problema delle produzioni locali in Europa, con particolare riferimento al vino. Obiettivo delle lezioni è di fornire elementi base per la caratterizzazione storica di pratiche, saperi e produzioni localizzate alla scala topografica, utilizzando le nuove fonti fornite dall’ecologia storica e dall’archeologia ambientale, con metodo regressivo a partire dalla memoria e dalla pratica dei viticoltori. La valorizzazione delle produzioni locali acquisisce nuove possibilità nel più ampio contesto della valorizzazione del patrimonio ambientale e rurale europeo. Vengono trattati approcci, metodi e fonti per una geografia dei terroir che faccia emergere i legami storici ai luoghi e il valore aggiunto e le esternalità positive delle produzioni locali tra esercizio della pratica e dominio della norma. Si presentano casi studio/monografie di prodotto con esempi nel contesto italiano ed europeo.
Analisi sensoriale
Le lezioni illustrano i principi teorici e metodologici dell’analisi sensoriale applicata al vino. Oltre ai metodi di valutazione, vengono presentate le relazioni tra le variabili tecnologiche di produzione, le caratteristiche sensoriali dei vini e i responsi dei consumatori. Le esercitazioni pratiche in aula sono mirate ad addestrare al riconoscimento degli aromi e dei flavour percepibili nel vino, mentre i test in laboratorio hanno l’obiettivo di esemplificare la pianificazione e la gestione delle prove sensoriali, l’elaborazione statistica dei dati e l’interpretazione dei risultati.
Degustazione di Terroir
La degustazione contemporanea non è un semplice esercizio di stile, che si limita a riconoscere difetti e qualità di un vino. Questo corso mira a far comprendere come un vino non solo debba essere buono, ma debba anche rispondere a criteri di legame con il proprio territorio di origine e che la riconoscibilità anche del vitigno sia un valore fondamentale. Punto finale del corso è quello di far comprendere come, a partire dall’assaggio di un vino, sia anche importante interrogarsi sullo stile di vinificazione, sul corretto affinamento e soprattutto anche sulle potenzialità di invecchiamento. Infine si giunge anche a comprendere come la degustazione ci possa portare al riconoscimento di un vino non solo buono, ma anche pulito e giusto.
Storia del vino
Il corso parte dal presupposto che l’Italia ha bisogno di raccontare la sua storia del vino. Da secoli, la Penisola si è ritrovata a scegliere tra una viticoltura di quantità e una di qualità. Molti sono gli uomini che hanno fatto vivere il proprio territorio, cercando di esportarlo oltre i confini per fare assaggiare agli altri, il frutto del loro lavoro. Ascoltando i degustatori del passato saremo sorpresi di scoprire un vasto e curioso sistema gastronomico del vino. In un percorso tematico che attraverserà il tempo dalle origini ai nostri giorni, ascolteremo i viticoltori, i commercianti e i gastronomi che hanno contribuito a dare all’Italia la sua identità gastronomica più forte.
“Epistenologia”. Saper sul vino, sapere col vino
Per comprendere il vino, bisogna andare al di là del paradigma soggetto/oggetto. Il vino non è un oggetto da misurare, ma un’esperienza da fare: bere vino è un’esperienza estetica relazionale. Ciò significa che apprezzare il vino vuol dire innanzitutto apprezzare le molteplici modalità con cui è possibile farne esperienza. Questo corso vuole introdurre a un modo diverso di conoscere il vino, capirlo e apprezzarlo.
Storia dell’Italia e dell’arte italiana
Il corso indaga la produzione artistica delle zone rilevanti in ambito enoico. In un suo scritto, Balzac aveva inquadrato l’arte come esempio lampante di “natura concentrata”; lo studio della pittura, della scultura, dell’architettura e delle arti applicate di queste zone geografiche intende, per l’appunto, porre in una sorta di infusione la produzione enoica attuale di dette aree nel loro rispettivo terreno di coltura sociale e intellettuale, non in una generica prospettiva storica, ma piuttosto in quelle estetica ed espressiva, concretatesi nella elaborazione artistica. Il tutto, cercando di far sì che la “natura locale” (vino compreso) di cui l’arte, secondo Balzac, sarebbe concentrazione, distillazione e sintesi si dipani a fine corso in modo più limpido.
Antropologia del vino
- PARTE GENERALE: Il corso presenta un primo quadro riguardante alcune categorie antropologiche, con particolare riferimento al tema dell’oralità e della scrittura, analizzando i concetti di antropologia e di cultura, nonché alcuni metodi della ricerca sul terreno che hanno ad oggetto il magismo contadino e la conoscenza del ciclo vitivinicolo tradizionale. L’analisi dei ritmi calendariali che attengono alla tradizione e alla modernità permetterà agli studenti di comprendere e di interpretare le ragioni simboliche, culturali che il vino assume all’interno delle società tradizionali e complesse. In questo quadro di riferimento vengono approfonditi e ricostruiti i ritmi spazio-temporali rituali e produttivi, con particolare attenzione al vino e ai suoi complessi valori cerimoniali e simbolici.
- PARTE SEMINARIALE: La ricerca sul campo antropologico: le fonti, l’osservazione (partecipazione/non partecipazione), la redazione di un report. La classe sarà richiesta di sviluppare una piccola ricerca antropologica al fine di finalizzare le competenze acquisite.
Principi di gastronomia olistica
Lo studio di principi di gastronomia olistica è parte fondamentale per collocare il discorso sui prodotti enologici in un più ampio contesto. Comprendere il vino significa interrogarsi, da un punto di vista gastronomico, su tutte le implicazioni e le connessioni che la sua produzione e il suo consumo hanno in termini agricoli, artigianali, ambientali, sociali, spirituali, dietistici e culturali. L’approccio multidisciplinare proprio delle scienze gastronomiche sarà centrale per cogliere le implicazioni e le sfumature di un prodotto che, prima di tutto, è un prodotto agricolo e che come tale è parte di un sistema alimentare globale che tocca tutti gli abitanti del pianeta e il pianeta stesso.
Esperienze di Sommellerie
Il sommellier è un importante mediatore culturale del vino. Più in generale e per estensione la sommellerie raccoglie in sé le pratiche che precedono il momento del consumo, orientando e agevolando l’approccio al prodotto. Il modulo vuole analizzare e approfondire il ruolo di queste figure a livello nazionale e internazionale, il linguaggio, la conservazione e la gestione di cantina, le logiche di costruzione di una carta dei vini e il rapporto vino-cibo.
Economia del vino e delle aziende
Il corso ha come obiettivo quello di fornire agli studenti gli strumenti analitici ed operativi dell’economia aziendale utili per l’analisi delle dinamiche competitive e la definizione delle principali scelte strategiche. Nell’ambito degli insegnamenti impartiti, saranno dedicati specifici focus ai seguenti temi: analisi e segmentazione della domanda, definizione delle politiche di marketing, gestione dell’innovazione di prodotto.
Diritto e Legislazione
Il corso punta a mettere in evidenza il carattere speciale della normativa sviluppatasi al fine di regolare la produzione e la commercializzazione del vino. Tale carattere dipende da due circostanze concomitanti: la primogenitura del vino tra le specialità alimentari connesse in forza di legge ad un territorio (e tutelate in quanto espressione di tale territorio) nonché la peculiare varietà di regole che sovrintendono all’etichettatura, alla presentazione dei vini, alla loro commercializzazione ed esportazione. In uno sforzo di sintesi tra un obiettivo culturale alto (la comprensione della ratio che anima la disciplina, pur se non mancano delle antinomie) e una finalità pratica immediata (l’acquisizione di una conoscenza solida del quadro giuridico che si riferisce al fare vino e ne determina gli aspetti burocratici), le lezioni sono improntate all’analisi teorica dei precetti e degli impianti regolamentari, intervallati dall’esame di casi, modulistiche ed esempi concreti. La finalità è fornire consapevolezza del sistema europeo di regolamentazione della produzione e della presentazione dei vini, per consentire agli studenti di esercitare un occhio critico nei confronti della burocrazia che affligge il settore vitivinicolo, distinguendola dalle necessarie attività di regolamentazione della concorrenza e del mercato.
Scrivere e comunicare di vino
La comunicazione del vino e il suo racconto è una materia complicata e affascinante. Durante il corso si specifica la differenza tra comunicazione e informazione, grazie ad esempi concreti presi in esame. Si affronta inoltre un ampio discorso sui vari mezzi di comunicazione utilizzati per descrivere il vino e raccontarlo: il libro, la guida, la rivista digitale, il blog, la radio e le immagini filmate. Ognuno di questi mezzi ha un linguaggio specifico che deve essere conosciuto con precisione per poterne comprendere la funzione e sfruttare al meglio le loro rispettive potenzialità.
Sociologia dei consumi
Il corso è incentrato sui trend di consumo contemporanei, con una particolare attenzione al settore del vino. Nella prima fase, le lezioni avrano ad oggetto le principali teorie riguardo la sociologia dei consumi e l’analisi del mercato del cibo e delle bevande, in una prospettiva globale. La seconda parte, monografica, riguaderà caratteri e problemi del consumo di vino, puntando a mettere in evidenza le diverse tipologie, i più innovativi metodi di vendita, i mercati emergenti e tradizionali.
Corsi aggiornati all’a.a. 2015/16. Gli insegnamenti possono essere soggetti a variazioni di orari e contenuti
All’interno del Master in Cultura del Vino Italiano gli studenti hanno modo di completare il percorso di studi in aula con una esperienza formativa di conoscenza diretta del mondo vitivinicolo: i Viaggi Didattici.
Fiore all’occhiello della didattica esperienziale e innovativa dell’UNISG, i tre viaggi didattici porteranno gli studenti alla scoperta dei più significativi terroir del nostro Paese.
I Viaggi Didattici 2015 si sono svolti in: Sicilia, Toscana e Veneto
+ Maggiori Informazioni sui Viaggi Didattici
Il Career Office assiste gli studenti nel trovare aziende che abbiano un approccio contemporaneo al mondo del cibo e facilita la transizione dall’Università al contesto lavorativo.
L’ufficio svolge anche un continuo lavoro di monitoraggio e accompagnamento degli studenti dopo il corso, favorendo l’incontro tra i nuovi gastronomi e le realtà lavorative agroalimentari in cerca di figure professionali innovative e altamente competenti.
L’importo della retta per il Master in Cultura del Vino Italiano è di 16.500€ e comprende:
- Tutte le attività didattiche e le esercitazioni pratiche
- Materiale didattico (prevalentemente in formato digitale)
- Viaggio, vitto e alloggio durante i viaggi didattici previsti nel piano didattico
- L’accesso alla rete wifi in Università
- La partecipazione a tutti gli eventi promossi dall’Università degli studi di Scienze Gastronomiche e Slow Food
- La copertura assicurativa per la responsabilità civile degli studenti
- copertura assicurazione sanitaria per studenti non europei
- I certificati rilasciati dalla Segreteria Studenti
- I pasti a pranzo nei giorni di lezione fino ad esaurimento dei 5000 crediti
La retta non comprende l’alloggio durante i mesi di permanenza a Pollenzo.
Per dettagli su modalità e scadenze di versamento della retta leggi attentamente le Modalità d’Iscrizione
La preiscrizione al Master in Cultura del Vino Italiano, fase preliminare all’iscrizione, si effettua online e prevede:
– la registrazione al sistema con i dati anagrafici
– la compilazione del test motivazionale
– il caricamento online della documentazione richiesta, specificata nelle Modalità di Iscrizione
– il colloquio motivazionale.
Il numero massimo di partecipanti al Master è 25. I candidati ammessi finalizzeranno l’iscrizione tramite il pagamento dell’acconto pari a 2000 euro e successive 2 rate.
Prima di procedere con la preiscrizione online, si consiglia la lettura delle modalità di preiscrizione:
Master in Food Culture & Communications
Current and Past Programs
Master 2017
The Master in Food Culture and Communications: Marketing and Sustainability of High-Quality Products
This program is designed to prepare future food industry professionals though a combination of in-class theory and on-site visits, featuring the biggest names in the Italian and International food sector. Four macro themes will be explored during the program: communication, marketing, sustainability, and the concept of high- quality. Over the course of their study, students will develop a keen understanding of business strategy and corporate social responsibility, as well as the marketing and development of high-quality products.
Subject areas
- Food Writing Workshop
- Wine Journalism
- Food Journalism
- Food Reportage
- Communication Skills – Food, Culture and Society
- Visual Communications
- Visual Thinking Strategy
- Intercultural Communication – Focus on Foods
Management & Marketing
- Competitve Strategy
- Entrepreneurship
- Marketing & Product Innovation
- Trade Marketing
- Designing Sustainability
- Defining Sustainability
- Food Geography
- Sustainability Cases from the South of the World
- Case Studies in the Field
- Aesthetics of Perception, Skills, and Environment
- Ethnobotany
- Creation and Development of a High-Quality Product
- History of Quality
- Quality Legislation
- Case Studies on the Field
Tasting Sessions
- Cured Meat
- Cheese
- Olive Oil
- Natural Wines
- New World High-Quality Wines
- Vinegar
- Italian and International Artisanal Beer
- Bread and Pizza
- Coffee
- Chocolate
Study trips
As part of UNISG’s educational design, Master students will participate in a series of 3 study trips, in which they will explore a range of food products in their environmental, economic, and social contexts. The purpose of these visits is to ensure a 360-degree understanding of gastronomy, from taste, nutritional value, and molecular composition, to the cultural and social knowledge that comes from direct experience within a production setting. Study trips will take place in Italy, Europe and extra-European countries, and provide students with hands-on experiences in production and promotion. Particular attention will be given to the entire production chain, including distribution and communications, at both industrial as well as traditional, food companies. Academic and logistical planning will be managed by staff tutors, who also accompany the students in their travels.
Career Center
The Career Center supports UNISG students as they transition into the professional food sector, by connecting them with relevant companies leading up to their final internship; upon graduation, the Office continues to reach out to alumni, providing ongoing professional guidance as they develop in their new careers.
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Marketing and Sustainability of High-Quality Products is Michele Fino
Master 2016
The Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products | Start Date: March 9, 2016 (A.Y. 2015-16) | is characterized by an in-depth exploration of themes related to products that characterize gastronomy as well as artisanal foods of excellence. With these products as its focus, the Master provides an ongoing comparison with agro-industrial foods to grasp their characteristics and differences. The products examined during the course will include beverages such as spirits, wines, and beers, and foods such as cheeses, meats, pasta and rice, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, salt and spices, chocolate, coffee, and tea. High-quality products often have a non-tangible value, are purchased for what they represent, and have roles as status symbols. Many of them, if not all, are profoundly linked to a specific region with which they are closely identified. The objective of this Master is also to understand the cultural appeal of the products, and what constitutes the link between the product and the region. This approach necessitates a change of perspective, that is, starting not from the “region,” but rather from the taste of the product, which will be analyzed, understood, and described, and then working backwards to figure out which factors have created this “taste”: the methods of production, the raw materials, and the “place” and history that led to the product’s origin will also be examined.
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products is Mirco Marconi
Master 2015
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Place, and Identity | Start Date: March 11, 2015 (A.Y. 2014-15) | The Master’s program in Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Place, and Identity is a unique introduction to food studies that educates the best food communicators and cultural mediators of the future to work and operate in a global scenario. The program includes three parts: coursework, study trips, and internships. The courses in the program have two major concentrations: “food history, anthropology, and sociology,” which explores the relationships between food and multiple identities and places (body, home, community, city, region, nation, and global); and “communication and media,” which explores the theories of meaning and representation and offers practical classes in food writing, photography, documentary film, and video. Furthermore, tasting classes introduce students to the deep understanding of quality wine, olive oil, cured meats, chocolate, balsamic vinegar, and cheese. Classes are taught by top international scholars. A unique study trip program brings students to experience hands on the world of food production and marketing, with an emphasis on independent, organic, and sustainable farming and fishing. An amazing variety of exciting internships in every part of the world are available to all students. The diversity of our students, coming from the five continents and very different cultural background, incredibly enrich the experience and creates networks of friendship that last for a lifetime. Come join the Master’s program in “Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Place, and Identity” to explore, understand, and love the whole fascinating world of food!
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Place, and Identity is Simone Cinotto
Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products | Start Date: September 9, 2015 (A.Y. 2015-16) | The Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products is characterized by an in-depth exploration of themes related to products that characterize gastronomy as well as artisanal foods of excellence. With these products as its focus, the Master provides an ongoing comparison with agro-industrial foods to grasp their characteristics and differences. The products examined during the course will include beverages such as spirits, wines, and beers, and foods such as cheeses, meats, pasta and rice, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, salt and spices, chocolate, coffee, and tea. High-quality products often have a non-tangible value, are purchased for what they represent, and have roles as status symbols. Many of them, if not all, are profoundly linked to a specific region with which they are closely identified. The objective of this Master is also to understand the cultural appeal of the products, and what constitutes the link between the product and the region. This approach necessitates a change of perspective, that is, starting not from the “region,” but rather from the taste of the product, which will be analyzed, understood, and described, and then working backwards to figure out which factors have created this “taste”: the methods of production, the raw materials, and the “place” and history that led to the product’s origin will also be examined.
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products is Mirco Marconi
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability | Start Date: November 3, 2015 (A.Y. 2015-16) |The Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability will address the importance of social, economic, and environmental sustainability in food production and consumption networks, and especially the relevance of traditional knowledge in understanding small-scale sustainable production of high-quality local food and bio-cultural diversities and heritage as well. The human ecology and sustainability area of the programme will focus on a comprehensive overview of issues related to sustainability, human ecology, environmental studies, and ethnobiology. This area will analyse in particular how traditional knowledge, beliefs and practises related to the natural environment and cuisines are embedded in the socio-ecological systems and how these inextricable links are crucial for implementing community-based and sustainable management of local resources, as well as for fostering good practices of production and consumption of organic and local foods. The Master will address also the role of women in local food systems, the dynamic nature of local ecological knowledge, ethnobotany, agro-ecology, organic agriculture, migrants’ food systems, and the relevance of all these in modern public health and nutritional policies.
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability is Professor Andrea Pieroni and the faculty of the Master’s program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as Colin Sage, Rick Stepp, Justin Nolan, Paul Sillitoe and others.
Master 2014
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Food, Place, and Identity
Start Date: March 19, 2014 (A.Y. 2013-14)
Food and food cultures can only be efficiently communicated with reference to place and identity. Whether we talk about urban food systems, zero mile food, traditional local productions, ethnic food, Japanese cuisine, or French wines we are always making reference to the relationship between food and place, and the meanings this bond inflates into food as well as places. As the notion of terroir so effectively conveys, it is the convergence of place, climate, local human knowledge and sensibilities that determines the quality of foods. This section explores the relationships between food, place, and identity from the perspective of food policy, geography, tourism, history and memory, and cultural artifacts that range from film to literature.
Coursework includes an examination of the complexities of food systems and policies, from the local to the global, and a focus on Italian history and culture as relevant to illuminate the socially-constructed bond between food and place.
The didactic Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Food, Place and Identity is Professor Simone Cinotto and the faculty of the Master’s program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Tim Lang, Peter Scholliers and others
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability
Start Date: May 28, 2014 (A.Y. 2013-14)
The Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability will address the importance of social, economic, and environmental sustainability in food production and consumption networks, and especially the relevance of traditional knowledge in understanding small-scale sustainable production of high-quality local food and bio-cultural diversities and heritage as well. The human ecology area of the programme will focus on environmental studies, ethnobiology, and human ecology.
This area will analyse in particular how knowledge, beliefs and practises related to the natural environment and cuisines are embedded in the social systems and how this inextricable links are crucial for implementing a community-based and sustainable management of local resources as well as fostering good practices of production and consumption of organic local foods.
The Master will address also the role of women in local food systems, the dynamic nature of local ecological knowledge, ethnobotany, agro-ecology, organic agriculture, migrants’ food systems, and the relevance of all these in modern public health and nutritional policies.The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability is Professor Andrea Pieroni and the faculty of the Master’s program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as Lisa Price, Justin Nolan, Paul Sillitoe and others.
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Meaning, and Media
Start Date: November 19, 2014 (A.Y. 2014-15)
Food is both a construct and a representation of our culture. Like language, it gives form to meaning, yet it also can alter our sense of the real and elicit new notions of “truth.” In order to effectively portray stories about food and food culture, we must not only integrate diverse perspectives from multiple professions and disciplines, we must also be able understand the ways in which knowledge is both formed and represented. The media—encompassing all modes of representation—literally mediate what we understand to be true, and so studying those forms is as important as learning how to create the content of the stories that are put forward.
While trends and fashions abound in commercial communications channels, the voices of academics, critics, and bloggers can also be subject to such influences. In the realm of gastronomy, social uncertainty and food insecurity are compounded with the divergent needs and pathways of agriculture, distributors, and consumers, all leading to unforeseen challenges and complexity in bringing to light a given story. Communications work holds an enormous responsibility in gastronomy, and requires a subtle and attentive approach to both medium and message.
This stream of the master is intended to build innovative and integrated communications skills, and contribute to improving the quality of food culture overall. Grounded in an ecosystem theory of communication, the program will immerse students in the issues facing professionals today, bringing together the roles of the journalist, theoretician, educator, marketer, and gastronome.The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Meaning, and Media is David Szanto
Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products
Start Date: September 17, 2014 (A.Y. 2014-15)The Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products is characterized by an in-depth exploration of themes related to products that characterize gastronomy as well as artisanal foods of excellence. With these products as its focus, the Master provides an ongoing comparison with agro-industrial foods to grasp their characteristics and differences. The products examined during the course will include beverages such as spirits, wines, and beers, and foods such as cheeses, meats, pasta and rice, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, salt and spices, chocolate, coffee, and tea. High-quality products often have a non-tangible value, are purchased for what they represent, and have roles as status symbols. Many of them, if not all, are profoundly linked to a specific region with which they are closely identified. The objective of this Master is also to understand the cultural appeal of the products, and what constitutes the link between the product and the region. This approach necessitates a change of perspective, that is, starting not from the “region,” but rather from the taste of the product, which will be analyzed, understood, and described, and then working backwards to figure out which factors have created this “taste”: the methods of production, the raw materials, and the “place” and history that led to the product’s origin will also be examined.
Master 2013
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Food, Place, and Identity | Start Date: March 20, 2013 |
Food and food cultures can only be efficiently communicated with reference to place and identity. Whether we talk about urban food systems, zero mile food, traditional local productions, ethnic food, Japanese cuisine, or French wines we are always making reference to the relationship between food and place, and the meanings this bond inflates into food as well as places. As the notion of terroir so effectively conveys, it is the convergence of place, climate, local human knowledge and sensibilities that determines the quality of foods. This section explores the relationships between food, place, and identity from the perspective of food policy, geography, tourism, history and memory, and cultural artifacts that range from film to literature.
Coursework includes an examination of the complexities of food systems and policies, from the local to the global, and a focus on Italian history and culture as relevant to illuminate the socially-constructed bond between food and place.
The didactic Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Food, Place and Identity is Professor Simone Cinotto and the faculty of the Master’s Program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Tim Lang, Peter Scholliers and others
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability | Start Date: May 29, 2013
The Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability will address the importance of social, economic, and environmental sustainability in food production and consumption networks, and especially the relevance of traditional knowledge in understanding small-scale sustainable production of high-quality local food and bio-cultural diversities and heritage as well.
The human ecology area of the programme will focus on environmental studies, ethnobiology, and human ecology.
This area will analyse in particular how knowledge, beliefs and practises related to the natural environment and cuisines are embedded in the social systems and how this inextricable links are crucial for implementing a community-based and sustainable management of local resources as well as fostering good practices of production and consumption of organic local foods.
The Master will address also the role of women in local food systems, the dynamic nature of local ecological knowledge, ethnobotany, agro-ecology, organic agriculture, migrants’ food systems, and the relevance of all these in modern public health and nutritional policies.
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability is Professor Andrea Pieroni and the faculty of the Master’s program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as Lisa Price, Justin Nolan, Paul Sillitoe and others.
Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products | Start Date: September 18, 2013 | The Master in Food Culture and Communications: High-Quality Products is characterized by an in-depth exploration of themes related to products that characterize gastronomy as well as artisanal foods of excellence. With these products as its focus, the Master provides an ongoing comparison with agro-industrial foods to grasp their characteristics and differences. The products examined during the course will include beverages such as spirits, wines, and beers, and foods such as cheeses, meats, pasta and rice, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, salt and spices, chocolate, coffee, and tea. High-quality products often have a non-tangible value, are purchased for what they represent, and have roles as status symbols. Many of them, if not all, are profoundly linked to a specific region with which they are closely identified. The objective of this Master is also to understand the cultural appeal of the products, and what constitutes the link between the product and the region. This approach necessitates a change of perspective, that is, starting not from the “region,” but rather from the taste of the product, which will be analyzed, understood, and described, and then working backwards to figure out which factors have created this “taste”: the methods of production, the raw materials, and the “place” and history that led to the product’s origin will also be examined.
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Representation, Meaning, and Media |Start Date: November 20, 2013 | Food is both a construct and a representation of our culture. Like language, it gives form to meaning, yet it also can alter our sense of the real and elicit new notions of “truth.” In order to effectively portray stories about food and food culture, we must not only integrate diverse perspectives from multiple professions and disciplines, we must also be able understand the ways in which knowledge is both formed and represented. The media—encompassing all modes of representation—literally mediate what we understand to be true, and so studying those forms is as important as learning how to create the content of the stories that are put forward.
While trends and fashions abound in commercial communications channels, the voices of academics, critics, and bloggers can also be subject to such influences. In the realm of gastronomy, social uncertainty and food insecurity are compounded with the divergent needs and pathways of agriculture, distributors, and consumers, all leading to unforeseen challenges and complexity in bringing to light a given story. Communications work holds an enormous responsibility in gastronomy, and requires a subtle and attentive approach to both medium and message.
This stream of the master is intended to build innovative and integrated communications skills, and contribute to improving the quality of food culture overall. Grounded in an ecosystem theory of communication, the program will immerse students in the issues facing professionals today, bringing together the roles of the journalist, theoretician, educator, marketer, and gastronome.
Master 2012
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability
Start Date: March 21, 2012
The Master in Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability will address the importance of social, economic, and environmental sustainability in food production and consumption networks, and especially the relevance of the human ecological approach for understanding how traditional knowledge shapes both small-scale production of high-quality local food and bio-cultural diversities and heritage as well.
The human ecology area of the programme will focus on environmental studies, ethnobiology, and food polices.
This area will analyse in particular how a deep understanding of traditional knowledge, beliefs and practises related to the natural environment is crucial for implementing a community-based and sustainable management of local resources as well as fostering good practices of production and consumption of organic local foods.
The master will address also the role of women in local food systems, the concept of food sovereignty, the dynamic nature of local ecological knowledge, ethnobotany, agro-ecology, organic agriculture, migrants’ food systems, and the relevance of all these in modern public health and nutritional policies.
The scientific Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Human Ecology and Sustainability is Professor Andrea Pieroni and the faculty of the Master’s program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as: Lisa Price, Rick Stepp, Ina Vandebroek and others.
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Food, Place, and Identity
Start Date: May 30, 2012
Food and food cultures can only be efficiently communicated with reference to place and identity. Whether we talk about urban food systems, zero mile food, traditional local productions, ethnic food, Japanese cuisine, or French wines we are always making reference to the relationship between food and place, and the meanings this bond inflates into food as well as places. As the notion of terroir so effectively conveys, it is the convergence of place, climate, local human knowledge and sensibilities that determines the quality of foods. This section explores the relationships between food, place, and identity from the perspective of food policy, geography, tourism, history and memory, and cultural artifacts that range from film to literature.
Coursework includes an examination of the complexities of food systems and policies, from the local to the global, and a focus on Italian history and culture as relevant to illuminate the socially-constructed bond between food and place.
The didactic Director of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Food, Place and Identity is Professor Simone Cinotto and the faculty of the Master’s program includes some university professors, experts in the field, such as: Annie Hauck-Lawson, Tim Lang, Peter Scholliers and others.
Master in Food Culture and Communications: Media, Representation, and High-Quality Food
Start Date: November 21, 2012
Food is both a construct and a representation of our culture. Like language, it gives form to meaning, yet it also can alter our sense of the real and elicit new notions of “truth.” In order to effectively portray stories about food and food culture, we must not only integrate diverse perspectives from multiple professions and disciplines, we must also be able understand the ways in which knowledge is both formed and represented. The media—encompassing all modes of representation—literally mediate what we understand to be true, and so studying those forms is as important as learning how to create the content of the stories that are put forward.
While trends and fashions abound in commercial communications channels, the voices of academics, critics, and bloggers can also be subject to such influences. In the realm of gastronomy, social uncertainty and food insecurity are compounded with the divergent needs and pathways of agriculture, distributors, and consumers, all leading to unforeseen challenges and complexity in bringing to light a given story. Communications work holds an enormous responsibility in gastronomy, and requires a subtle and attentive approach to both medium and message.
This stream of the master is intended to build innovative and integrated communications skills, and contribute to improving the quality of food culture overall. Grounded in an ecosystem theory of communication, the program will immerse students in the issues facing professionals today, bringing together the roles of the journalist, theoretician, educator, marketer, and gastronome.
The academic Coordinator of the Master in Food Culture and Communications: Media, Representation, and High-Quality Food is David Szanto, and the teaching faculty includes a number of professors from within UNISG and from abroad, as well as professionals from a variety of related fields.
Subject Areas
Both humanities and sciences are taught within the master. Practical learning, lab work, and study travel to discover products and their regions of origin complement in-class lessons in order to provide students with an interdisciplinary approach to the world of gastronomy.
The first section of the following list of disciplines and course modules comprise the core coursework common to all three streams of the master. The second section shows the specialized material unique to each stream.
Coursework includes seminars dedicated to a variety of specific issues, and course content may vary from year to year. The master also includes events and presentations related to Slow Food programs, coordinated in collaboration with the organization itself.
- Communication, Media, and Journalism: Semiotics of Gastronomy; Professional Food Writing; Food Documentary; Video Editing Techniques; Travel and Food Photography; Techniques of Food Photography; Enogastronomical Communication.
- History and Cultures: Introduction to the Study Trips in Italy; Food in Consumer Culture; Ethics and Aesthetics of Food; History of Food and Locality; Medieval Food History; Social History of Food: Networking; Hierarchies and Identities
- Food Policy and Sustainability: Food, Environment, and Sustainability; Sustainable Gastronomy; Food Justice; Food Economics
- Sociology and Anthropology: Theory and Method in the Anthropology of Food; Food in Popular Culture
- Productions, Technologies, and Sensory Analysis: Elements of Food Technology; Wine Technology; Molecular Basis of Taste; Food Sensory Analysis; Wine Sensory Analysis; Nutrition and Public Health.
- Tasting Lectures: Sense of Smell; Beer; Cheese; Chocolate; Cured Meat; Olive Oil;Wine.
- Specialized Coursework for Human Ecology and Sustainability
Approximately 170 Hours
Environmental Studies: Ethnobiology; Landscape Ecology; Biodiversity Conservation; Strategies of Nature Conservation
Human Ecology: Women’s Role in Sustainable Food Systems; Environmental Anthropology; Indigenous Perspectives in the Management of; Natural Resources; Migrants’ Diet and Health
Sustainability and Food Policy: Sustainable Agriculture; Public Health, Nutrition and Food Policies; The Slow Food Approach to Food Systems; Systemic Design Applied to Gastronomy; Economic Sustainability; Food, Enviroment and Sustainability
- Specialized Coursework for Food, Place, and Identity
Approximately 170 hours
Food, Place and Identity: Food, Place and Identity; Producing and Consuming Food and Place: Italian Regions (Discussion of Study Trips); Cultural Economy of Wine and Terroir; Culinary Tourism; Oral History: Theory and Techniques of Interviewing; Food, Gender and Race in Local Food Systems; Ethnoecology
Food Policies and Sustainability from Local to Global: Food Policies, Public Health, and Nutrition; Urban Food Systems; Traditional Organic Food Productions; Food Design and Place
Food and Place in Italian History and Culture: History of Italian Cuisine and the Mediterranean Diet; The Food of Tuscany; The Food of Sicily; Food, Consumer Culture, and Gender in Postwar Italy; Food and Landscape in Italian Cinema; Food in Italian Literature
- Specialized Coursework for Media, Representation, and High-Quality Food
Approximately 170 hours
Meaning and Representation: Semiotics: Signifiers and Signified; History of Food Representation; Ontology/Epistemology: Knowing and Showing Food; Methodologies: Analyzing and Representing Food
Media and Marketing: Marketing, PR, and Branding; Advertising, Promotion, and Placement; Food TV; Book and Magazine Publishing; Food and Fashion; Blogs, Critics, Guides, and Trends (these courses will serve to complement the Communications, Media, and Journalism courses noted above)
Assembling Quality: Food Safety; Food Packaging; Security and Sovereignty; Safety, Risk, and Media; Quality, Material, and Discourse
Official Announcements
Official Announcement FC8
Official Announcement FC9
Official Announcement FC10
Master 2011
The one-year Master in Food Culture and Communications is designed for international students seeking an innovative approach to the study of food and the ways in which it is discussed.
The program offers a wide mix of in-class lessons, exercises, guided tastings, and study trips in Italy and abroad to provide a multiexperiential understanding of both high-quality artisanal and industrial food products, as well as the necessary knowledge and expertise for work in the food communications field. Instructors include university professors and scholars working in the sector at both national and international levels, journalists, and other visiting gastronomy experts.
Through an approach that merges the anthropology, history, and economics of food consumption, students acquire the tools for developing new communications, promotional, and sales strategies within the realm of high-quality gastronomy. Graduates emerge ready for careers in marketing and public relations, education and project management.
The language of instruction is English. The program lasts 12 months and a minimum of 75% attendance is required. The Master will end in November 2012.
Master of Gastronomy: Food in the World (Food Cultures and Mobility)
A program that explores the political, economic, social, cultural, ecological, and nutritional dimensions of food, featuring a wide range of opportunities for employment and career-advancement. Program graduates have secured positions in food and agricultural organizations dealing with issues of food education, marketing, communication, and catering, as well as organisations that implement social platforms focused on food sovereignty.
Groups: 25 students maximum for each program
80% attendance is required
Application Deadline: 5 July 2017
Rankings Available Online: 12 July 2017
Start date: 25 October 2017
Language of program: English
A holistic, cross-disciplinary, and multi-thematic section covering the most salient current trends in the worldwide discourses on Sustainable Gastronomy, taught by leading international scholars, who provide an advanced introduction to food Food Studies and to the most cutting-edge and inspiring thoughts concerning food addressed from different academic fields:
Food History; Food Geography; Food Anthropology; Food Sociology and Multiculturalism; Food Philosophy; Food Politics and Economics; Food and Social Movements; Food, Nutrition, and Public Health; Sustainable Agriculture; Cultural Ecology.
Specialized courses taught by academics, chefs, food activists, or other stakeholders.
Teaching about worldwide geographies of food and food systems – understood as the results of a continuous co-evolution between societies and their given socio-ecological spaces – human ecologies, and food sovereignty.
Diners and case studies
Students will participate and co-organize 8 dinner events enlightening specific gastronomic case studies from all over the world.
Sensory analysis and tasting courses and workshops
Sensory analysis and tasting courses and workshops taught by professionals, who will offer an advanced introduction to the history, qualities, and evaluation of products like wine, beer, bread, pasta, cheese, cured meats, chocolate, coffee, tea, olive oil, and others.
Study trips
3 study trips to destinations in Italy, Europe, and the extra-European world, offering students a unique first-hand experience of food producers and their work, the structure and flavors of the local gastronomy, and the complexity of food issues.
Research project or Internship
A final 3-month research project or internship in a food business company, farm, restaurant, agency, NGOs, or another site of student’s choice, to be selected in an extensive catalogue of placement opportunities.
A research thesis to be completed under the guidance of a faculty advisor on a topic coherent to the research project or internship, the entire program’s contents and expected to illuminate new knowledge in the field of Sustainable Gastronomy and Food Studies
An international program for a global network
Eighty percent of the students enrolled in the Master’s programs at the University of Gastronomic Sciences taught in English international students coming from every angle of the globe. This allows the students to acquire valuable cross-cultural skills and develop an international network resulting from:
- International community of the University coming from 87 different countries;
- Interaction with the master’s international visiting professors;
- Meetings with the protagonists of the food world during the different on-campus activities and study trips;
- Companies that encompasses the University network;
- Direct relationship with Slow Food’s projects and its network
Subject Areas
Contemporary Trajectories of the Worldwide Foodscape
- Food History
- Food Justice
- Food and Sustainability
- Food Writing
- Cultural Ecology
- Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology
- Food Aesthetics and Art
- Food and Public Health
- Food Policy
- Food Anthropology
Food Cultures and Mobility
- The Global Food System: Capital, Politics, and Mobility
- Urban Food Systems
- Mobility and Logistics in the Global Food Commodity Market
- The Sociology and Cultural Economy of the Ethnic Restaurant
- Food and Climate Change: Carbon Footprint Production and Reduction in Farming, Food Processing, and Transports
- Migrant Workers in the Global Food Chain
- The Columbian Exchange
- Food, Empire, and Post-Colonialism
- Food, Gender, and Sexuality in Traditional and Contemporary Societies
- Food and Popular Culture
- Food and Ethics in Contemporary Consumer Culture
- Agroecology and Sustainable Farming
- Ethnobotany and Foraging
- Geographical Indications and Food Quality in the European Union
- History and Culture of Food in Modern Italy and the Globalization of Italian Cuisine
- The Nordic Food Lab
- Middle Eastern Cuisine and the Globalization of Middle Eastern Food
- Food in the Jewish Diaspora: From Biblical Religious Norms to the Kosherization of Jewish Food
- Chinese Cuisine and the Globalization of Chinese Food
- Japanese Cuisine and the Globalization of Japanese Food
- History and Anthropology of South East Asian Cuisines
- Culinary Traditions of Africa, African America and the African Diaspora
- Native American Cuisines
- New Latin American Cuisines
- Taste Science
- Sense of Smell
- The Theory and Practice of Food Education
- Food & Wine Parings
- Wine Tasting
- Wine Technology
- International wine geography
Chocolate & Coffee
- History, Processing, Cocoa Cultivation and Diversity
- The Taste of Coffee and Different Ways to Brew it
- Cheese Technology and tasting
- British & Spanish Cheese Tradition
- French cheese tradition
Cured Meat
- Cured Meat Technology and Tasting
Olive Oil
- Olive Oil Technology and tasting
* Program listing subject to change
Study Trips
3 study trips to destinations in Italy, Europe, and the extra-European world, offering students a unique first-hand experience of food producers and their work, the structure and flavors of the local gastronomy, and the complexity of food issues.
Particular attention will be paid to concepts of terroir, food ecologies, and differences between industrial and more traditional settings, as well as first-hand experience along the entire food chain, including distribution and communications. Academic and logistical planning will be managed by university tutors, who also accompany the students during this phase of the program.
UNISG Study Trip Learning Cornerstones
Lessons lead by historians and experts in the field of eno-gastronomy
Cooking demonstrations lead by chefs and restaurateurs
Visits to working in the context of traditional markets, Slow Food projects (Ark of Taste, Slow Food Presidia, Food Community, etc) and local restaurants
Cultural tours to discover the region
Tastings: Food & Wine
Our contemporary tastings approach primarily looks to provide students with the competences to understand:
- How to taste food using different senses
- How to use tasting glossaries to describe a product
- How to distinguish a homemade product from an industrial one
This sensorial skill set is complemented by covering the following product’s aspects:
- Historical.
- Cultural.
- Technological.
Tasting lessons cover products such as: wine, olive oil, cheese, cured meat, chocolate, beer and honey; plus some Slow Food Presidia products.
Tastings during Study Trips
During the study trips students will have the opportunity to taste different products in their specific area of production and meet its producers; in some seminars they will observe as well, how a product can be used in cuisine by chefs.
Master of Gastronomy: Food in the World (Food Ecologies and Sovereignty)
A program that explores the political, economic, social, cultural, ecological, and nutritional dimensions of food, featuring a wide range of opportunities for employment and career-advancement. Program graduates have secured positions in food and agricultural institutions and companies dealing with issues of food education, marketing, communication, and catering, as well as organisations that implement social platforms focused on food sovereignty.
Groups: 25 students maximum for each program
80% attendance is required
Application Deadline: 5 July 2017
Rankings Available Online: 12 July 2017
Start date: 25 October 2017
Language of program: English
A holistic, cross-disciplinary, and multi-thematic section covering the most salient current trends in the worldwide discourses on Sustainable Gastronomy, taught by leading international scholars, who provide an advanced introduction to food Food Studies and to the most cutting-edge and inspiring thoughts concerning food addressed from different academic fields:
Food History; Food Geography; Food Anthropology; Food Sociology and Multiculturalism; Food Philosophy; Food Politics and Economics; Food and Social Movements; Food, Nutrition, and Public Health; Sustainable Agriculture; Cultural Ecology.
Specialized courses taught by academics, chefs, food activists, or other stakeholders.
Teaching about emerging trends and global change in worldwide food systems and cultures, as a result of mobilities of people, goods, capitals, ideas, and imaginaries.
Diners and case studies
Students will participate and co-organize at least 5 dinner events enlightening specific gastronomic case studies from all over the world.
Sensory analysis and tasting courses and workshops
Sensory analysis and tasting courses and workshops taught by professionals, who will offer an advanced introduction to the history, qualities, and evaluation of products like wine, beer, bread, pasta, cheese, cured meats, chocolate, coffee, tea, olive oil, and others.
Research project or Internship
A final 3-month mentored research project or individual internship in a food business company, farm, restaurant, agency, NGOs, institution, or another site of student’s choice, to be selected in an extensive catalogue of placement opportunities.
A research thesis to be completed under the guidance of a faculty member on a topic coherent to the research project or internship, the entire program’s contents and expected to enlighten new knowledge, reflections, and pathbreaking intuitions in the field of Sustainable Gastronomy and Food Studies.
Subject Areas
Contemporary Trajectories in Food Studies:
- Food History
- Food and Sustainability
- Food Writing
- Cultural Ecology
- Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology
- Food Aesthetics and Art
- Food and Public Health
- Food Anthropology
- Food Design
Italian Foodscapes
- A Modern History of Italian Cuisine and Its Globalization
- Contemporary Trends of the Italian Food Industry (seminar)
- Agroecology in Italy (seminar)
European Foodscapes
- Traditional Food Fermentations in Eastern Europe (seminar)
- Food Traditions in Legal Perspective in Europe and Beyond (seminar)
- Ethnobiology and Food Scouting in Europe and among Diasporas
- Geographical Indications and Trademarks: Quality Protection and Competition in Europe (seminar)
Middle Eastern Foodscapes
- Food and Power in Israel and the Middle East
- Post-Colonialism and Food in the Maghreb (seminar)
- Sustainable Rural Development in Iran (seminar)
African Foodscapes
- The Human Ecology of African Pastoralisms (seminar)
- Beyond Lucy: An Ape’s Perspective on the Origin of Food and Medicines (seminar)
- Food Policies and Institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Food Activism in Egypt (seminar)
- Food Anthropology in Africa (seminar)
American Foodscapes
- Traditional Knowledge and Agro-Biodiversity in the Caribbean
- Food Power and Resistance in the Andes (seminar)
- The Food-Medicine Continuum in the Andes (seminar)
- Contemporary Cuisines in Latin America (seminar)
Asian and Oceanian Foodscapes
- Food Ecology and Gender in South-Eastern Asia
- Food Insects and Invertebrates in Asian and Austronesian Cuisines (seminar)
- Food Ecologies and Plant Foraging in Western Himalaya (seminar)
Gastronomy, Sustainability and Global Issues: an Holistic Approach (seminar)
- Food Justice (seminar)
- National Cuisine Books (seminar)
- Molecules and Their Taste
Food Technology, Sensory Analysis, and Tastings of Food and Beverage
- Products (see Tastings Food and Wine)
* Course and module titles subject to change
Study Trips
3 study trips to destinations in Italy, Europe, and the extra-European world, offering students a unique first-hand experience of food producers and their work, the structure and flavors of the local gastronomy, and the complexity of food issues.
Particular attention will be paid to concepts of terroir, food ecologies, and differences between industrial and more traditional settings, as well as first-hand experience along the entire food chain, including distribution and communications. Academic and logistical planning will be managed by university tutors, who also accompany the students during this phase of the program.
- UNISG Study Trip Learning Cornerstones
- Lessons lead by historians and experts in the field of eno-gastronomy
- Cooking demonstrations lead by chefs and restaurateurs
- Visits to working in the context of traditional markets, Slow Food projects (Ark of Taste, Slow Food Presidia, Food Community, etc) and local restaurants
- Cultural tours to discover the region
Tastings: Food & Wine
Our contemporary tastings approach primarily looks to provide students with the competences to understand:
- How to taste food using different senses
- How to use tasting glossaries to describe a product
- How to distinguish a homemade product from an industrial one
This sensorial skill set is complemented by covering the following product’s aspects:
- Historical.
- Cultural.
- Technological.
Tasting lessons cover products such as: wine, olive oil, cheese, cured meat, chocolate, beer and honey; plus some Slow Food Presidia products.
Tastings during Study Trips
During the study trips students will have the opportunity to taste different products in their specific area of production and meet its producers; in some seminars they will observe as well, how a product can be used in cuisine by chefs.
Taste Science
- The Sense of Smell
- The Theory and Practice of Food Education
- Food & Wine Parings
- Wine Tasting
- Wine Technology
- International Wine Geography
Chocolate & Coffee
- History, Processing, Cocoa Cultivation and Diversity
- The Taste of Coffee and Different Ways to Brew it
- Cheese Technology and Tasting
- British & Spanish Cheese Tradition
- French cheese tradition
Cured Meat
- Cured Meat Technology and Tasting
Olive Oil
- Olive Oil Technology and Tasting