Academic Research


FUSILLI – Fostering the Urban food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation

The core ambition of FUSILLI is to overcome barriers for developing and implementing integrated, systemic food policies that support the transition towards sustainable food systems in urban, peri-urban and nearby rural areas.



PARTNERSHIP: UNISG works on the project as a Third Party of the Municipality of Turin in collaboration with the University of Turin and the Clorofilla Association.

Fundacion Cartif (Spain), De Surdurulebilir Enerji Ve Insaat Sanayi Ticaret Limited Sirketi (Turkey), Stichting Vu (Holland), Oslomet – Storbyuniversitetet (Norway), Izmir Demokrasi Unversitesi (Turkey), Steinbeis Innovation Ggmbh (Germany), Acondicionamiiacion Tarrasense (Tarrasense) Spain), Syddansk Universitet (Denmark), Universidad De Valladolid (Spain), Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy (Finland), VN Karazin Kharkiv National University (Ukraine), Wings Ict Solutions Information & Communication Technologies Ike (Greece), Civiesco Srl (Italy), Tecnoalimenti SCPA (Italy), Fomento De San Sebastian Sa (Spain), Nilufer Belediye Baskanligi (Turkey), Oslo Kommune (Norway), Kolding Kommune (Denmark), Municipality of Turin (Italy), Kharkiv City Council (Ukraine), Ville de Differdange ( Luxembourg), Tampereen Kaupunki (Finland), Grad Rijeka (Croatia), Municipio De Castelo Branco (Portugal), Dimos Athinaion (Greece), Roma Capitale (Italy), Eroski S. Coop. (Spain), Territoire Naturel Transfrontalier De La Chiers Et De dell’Alzette (Luxembourg), Fondazione Della Comunita Di Mirafiori Onlus (Italy), Ecofellows Ltd. (Finland), Ahlmanin Koulun Säätiö (Finland), Dimos Athinaion Epicheirisi Michanografisis (Greece), Universite Du Luxembourg (Luxembourg), RPR Resources Spa (Italy)

DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 48 months (from January 2021 to December 2024)

FUNDING INSTRUMENT: European Union – Horizon 2020. H2020-EU.3.2.2. – Sustainable and competitive agri-food sector for a safe and healthy diet (ID: 101000717)







The main objective is to build an urban food plan to reach an integrated and safe holistic transition towards healthy, sustainable secure, inclusive, equitable and cost-efficient food systems, through feasible and replicable innovative urban policies leading to deploy improving actions in all stages of the food value chain in line with the four FOOD 2030 policy priorities (Nutrition for sustainable and healthy diets; Climate-smart and environmentally sustainable food systems; Circularity and resource efficient food systems; and Innovation and empowerment of communities).

To achieve this goal, FUSILLI puts 12 cities in a knowledge sharing and learning network to address the challenges of the food system transformation: San Sebastian (Spain), Nilufer-Bursa (Turkey), Oslo (Norway), Kolding (Denmark), Turin (Italy), Castelo Branco (Portugal), Differdange (Luxemburg), Rijeka (Croatia), Kharkiv (Ukraine), Tampere (Finland), Athens (Greece) and Rome (Italy). These cities will integrate food as a part of their urban-rural agenda and identify and create opportunities to transform food systems into sustainable, healthy and inclusive systems. Via an open knowledge community, cities will be empowered to implement innovative and personalized policies and actions, placing citizens in the heart of the process.

Each city will create or improve the development of a living lab, which is an open innovation ecosystem where concrete actions will be deployed to develop and implement urban food systems policies delivering on the four FOOD 2030 priorities. These living labs have an objective to solve with the implementation of different innovative actions through all the stages of the food chain: production and processing, distribution and logistics, consumption, food loss and waste, and governance. Living lab will involve several stakeholders representing all the actors in the food system at local level: it will have at least a public authority, industry partner (SME or association), consumer association and education. A Knowledge Community will compile the current local initiatives to develop a catalogue of best practises to implement and exchange within the network of the participant living labs as well as other global initiatives.

FUSILLI project combines the expertise of 34 partners from 13 countries, including cities, universities, SMEs, NGOs, and industries.










Progetto Europeo Fusilli: all’Università di Scienze Gastronomiche di Pollenzo i partner del progetto della Città di Torino incontrano gli studenti del corso di Scienze della Progettazione Gastronomica >

“Aperitivo Circolare” Venerdì 17 giugno 2022 presso Orti Generali a Torino. Un pomeriggio all’insegna del riutilizzo creativo in cucina >



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