Academic Research


L4E – Learn4Earth

The Learn4Earth project will develop new and innovative tools, methods and activities for pupils of European schools in order to improve their action skills in the field of climate, environment and food and to empower more sustainable consumption today and in the future.
Food professionals, researchers and public schools from 6 European countries came together to focus on activities that promote subjects in the field of Farm to Fork, food supply chain, food waste management, etc.



Preliminary information



OTHER UNISG STAFF INVOLVED: Carol Povigna, Nahuel Buracco

PARTNERSHIP: Aalborg Universitet (Denmark), Arden Skole (Denmark), Center Za Zdrav Je In Rasvol Murskasobota Zavod (Słovenia), Osnovna Sola Franceta Preserna Crensovci (Słovenia), Washingborough Academy (United Kingdom), Health Education Trust (United Kingdom), Fundaciò Esoles Garbi (Spain), Taste Lab (Denmark).

DURATION OF THE PROJECT: 36 months (September 2020 – August 2023)

FUNDING INSTRUMENT: Erasmus+, Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, Strategic Partnerships.





With a point of departure in the concept of ‘farm to fork’, Learn4Earth will develop innovative methodologies, approaches and hands-on activities to raise awareness in European Schools about the current climate change challenges and empower and provide pupils with key competencies within the fields of Climate, Environment and Food. Learn4Earth will initiate this innovation by operating from the new innovative learning concept, the Learn4Earth Learning Triangle – The growing, The Lab and The Meal.

The overall objectives of Learn4Earth are:

  • To raise the overall awareness about environmental and climate change challenges for pupils in European schools based on interdisciplinary cooperation between schools, research institutions and practices.
  • To develop key competencies in various sustainability-relevant subjects, i.e. develop green skills, strategies and methodologies, as well as future-oriented curricula that better meet the needs of pupils in everyday life.
  • To support the testing of innovative practices to prepare children to become true factors of change, e.g. save resources, reduce energy use and waste, compensate carbon footprint emissions, opt for sustainable food and mobility choices, etc.
  • To enhance teachers’ education and continuous professional development by developing innovative interdisciplinary teaching approaches and promote and support competence-oriented teaching and learning within the fields of Climate, Environment and Food
  • To enable behavioral changes for children and their food preferences, consumption habits and lifestyles through education and training.

Through interdisciplinary collaboration, Learn4Earth will develop and create new knowledge alliances to foster innovation in the fields of entrepreneurship, knowledge exchange and interdisciplinary teaching and learning. Learn4Earth will also promote inter-sectoral cooperation, supporting a more effective and innovative approach to education and increasing the innovation potential within the fields of Climate, Environment and Food.

Finally, Learn4Earth aims to support and impact Environmental and climate goals by formulating essential recommendations for policymakers, contributing to the European Union’s structures and agendas regarding education in the fields of Climate, Environment and Food.



Povigna, C., Bigi, M., Buracco, N., Fisker, A.M., Morini, G. (2023). Cuisine and Education: The Applied Gastronomic Sciences as a Tool in Food Literacy. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Volume 11(2023), 2123.


News about the project