Only for degrees earned in Italy – New rules regarding certificates and self-declarations (Art. 15, Law 12.11.2011, no. 183)

The Italian stability law (Art. 15, Law 12.11.2011) introduced on January 1, 2012, sets out the following new dispositions regarding certificates and self-declarations:

  1. Certificates issued by Italian public administrations regarding personal states, qualities and facts are valid and can be used among private parties only.
  2. Italian public administrations cannot request nor accept certificates issued by other Italian public offices. Certificates are always substituted by self-declarations when submitted to public administrations or to private managers of public services (Articles 40, 46 and 47 of the D.P.R. 28.12.2000, no. 445).
  3. Certificates attesting personal states, qualities and facts must contain – under pain of nullity – the following caption: “This certificate cannot be submitted to public administration organs or to private managers of public services”.

Certificates can be requested for the following uses only:

  • if destined for private parties in Italy
  • for use abroad
  • for the Italian Police Headquarters/“Questura” for the issue/renewal of the permit to stay


Verification of career data and self-certified affidavits presented by students and graduates

The office indicated below is responsible, as per Art. 15 of Law 12/11/2011 n. 183, for activities whose purpose includes the management, guarantee, and verification of the transmission of data, or the direct access to the same by the public administration bodies in question, for the purpose of ascertaining career data and verifying the self-certified affidavits presented by the students and graduates of the University of Gastronomic Sciences:

Student Office –

Requests for issuance of data and verification of the self-certified affidavits must be made by one of the following methods:

  • by mail to the following address: University of Gastronomic Sciences/Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche – Student Office, Via Amedeo di Savoia, 8, Pollenzo – 12042 Bra – Italy
  • by fax to the following number: +39 0172 458500
  • by e-mail to the following address:

The office will reply within 30 days of receiving the request, via one of the means indicated above.