Pubblicazioni Open Access
Di seguito sono elencate le pubblicazioni open access del personale accademico dell’università.
Pubblicazioni Open Access
Onorati, M.G. (2024). Unveiling Consumer Dynamics, IARC-ETQA, Bruxelles, ISBN: 978-2-931089-23-1; DOI:
SAFWA – Alternative Biopesticides for SAFe Integrated Pest and WAter Management around Mediterranean
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Fusar Poli, E. (2024). Dipanare un paesaggio tossico Il caso studio del paesaggio d’acqua del Delta dell’Ebro. Dada Rivista di Antropologia post-globale, 2 (2024), 7-34.
Pubblicazioni Open Access da progetti di ricerca finanziata
ProEnGaT – Promoting Entrepreneurship and Gastronomy Tourism
Mattalia G., Volpato G., Corvo P., Pieroni A. (2018). Interstitial but resilient: Nomadic shepherds in Piedmont (Northwest Italy) amidst spatial and social marginalization. Human Ecology (Springer).
Mattalia, G., Sõukand, R., Corvo, P., Pieroni, A. Scholarly vs. Traditional Knowledge: Effects of Sacred Natural Sites on Ethnobotanical Practices in Tuscany, Central Italy Human Ecology, 4 (2019):653-667
Mattalia, G., Sõukand, R., Corvo, P., & Pieroni, A. (2019). Blended divergences: local food and medicinal plant uses among Arbëreshë, Occitans, and autochthonous Calabrians living in Calabria, Southern Italy. Plant Biosystems, 1-12.
Mattalia, G., Sõukand, R., Corvo, P., Pieroni, A., 2020. Dissymmetry at the Border: Wild Food and Medicinal Ethnobotany of Slovenes and Friulians in NE Italy. Econ. Bot. 74, 1–14. doi:10.1007/s12231-020-09488-y
Mattalia, G., Corvo, P., & Pieroni, A. (2020). The virtues of being peripheral, recreational, and transnational: local wild food and medicinal plant knowledge in selected remote municipalities of Calabria, Southern Italy. Ethnobotany Research and Applications, 19, 1-20.
Mattalia G., Sõukand R., Corvo P., Pieroni A. (2020) Wild food thistle gathering and pastoralism: an inextricable link in the biocultural landscape of Barbagia, Centrale Sardinia, (Italy). Sustainability, 12(12), 5105
Slowfood-CE – Culture, heritage, identity, and food
Sustainable Agri-food System Strategies - SASS (CUP H42F16002450001)
Fontefrancesco, M.F.; Zocchi, D.M.; Pieroni, A. The Intersections between Food and Cultural Landscape: Insights from Three Mountain Case Studies. Land 2023, 12, 676.
Fontefrancesco M, Zocchi D 2023. Farming money in Nakuru County: small farmers and the meaning of the market in the western part of Kenya. Dada Rivista di Antropologia post-globale, speciale n. 1, 2023, Antropologia dell’agricoltura , 75-86.
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Zocchi, D.M., Pieroni, A. (2022). Scouting for Food Heritage for Achieving Sustainable Development: The Methodological Approach of the Atlas of the Ark of Taste. Heritage 2022, 5, 526-544.
Rampa, F., Labra, M., Borrelli, N., Cena, H., Chiappero Martinetti, E., Corvo, P., Frontefrancesco, M.F., Giongo, G., Magrin, F., Puglisi, E., Sassi, M., Vaggi, G., & Van Aken, M. (2021). SASS: Sustainable Food Systems. and Indigenous Vegetables. Final Report. Milan: Fondazione Feltrinelli.
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Zocchi, D.M. (2021). The role of traditional and indigenous food in the restaurant sector of the Iringa region. In C. D’Alessandro & P. Bizzott Molina (a cura di), Sustainable food systems through diversification and indigenous vegetables. An analysis of the iringa and dodoma areas in Tanzania (pp. 57-69). ECDPM
Zocchi, D.M., Fontefrancesco, M.F. ( A cura di) (2021)“The Ark of Taste in Tanzania. Food, Knowledge, and Stories of the Gastronomic heritage”. Bra: slow Food Editore.
Zocchi, D.M., Volpato, G., Chalo, D., Mutiso, P., Fontefrancesco M.F. (2020). Expanding the reach: ethnobotanical knowledge and technological intensification in beekeeping among the Ogiek of the Mau Forest, Kenya. Journal of Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine 16, 57(2020).
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Zocchi, D.M. (2020). Indigenous Crops and cultural dynamics in the markets of Nakuru County, Kenya. International Journal of Gastronomic Food Science, 100269.
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Zocchi, D.M. (2019). Narrazioni e prodotti nella patrimonializzazione della gastronomia locale: una nota metodologica. In Narrare i Gruppi, vol. 14, n° 2, dicembre 2019, pp. 273-285 – website:
Bartow & Zocchi (a cura di), 2018. The ark of taste in Kenya, Bra, Slow Food Editore
Corvo & Fontefrancesco (a cura di), 2018, Sotto il cielo della Rift Valley. Sviluppo rurale e cibo tradizionale nella contea di Nakuru, Tortona, Vicolo del Pavone
Fontefrancesco & Lekanayia, 2018, Meanings and taboos in traditional gastronomy of Maasai communities in Kajiado County, Kenya, Antrocom Online Journal of Anthropology vol. 14. n. 1 (2018) 77-85 – ISSN 1973– 2880
Fontefrancesco M, Zocchi D, Corvo P , 2020, “Quanto la multiculturalità appiattisce l’offerta. Dinamiche culturali e sviluppo merceologico alimentare nei mercati della contea di Nakuru, Kenya”. Dada Rivista di Antropologia post-globale, speciale n. 1, 2020, Antropologia del cibo. Pp. 129-156. ISSN: 2240-0192
Zocchi, D.M., Fontefrancesco, M.F. (2020). Traditional Products and New Developments in the Restaurant Sector in East Africa. The Case Study of Nakuru County, Kenya. Frontier Sustainability Food System, 4:599138.
Zocchi, D.M., Piochi, M., Cabrino, G., Fontefrancesco, M.F., Torri, L. (2020). Linking producers’ and consumers’ perceptions in the valorisation of non-timber forest products: An analysis of Ogiek forest honey. Food Research International, Vol. 137, p.109417
Fontefrancesco M.F. (2019). Cibo e narrazioni di multiculturalità a scuola: un approccio autonarrativo alla conoscenza dell’altro. Narrare i gruppi, 14 (1), 23-46.
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Zocchi, D.M. (2019). Narrazioni e prodotti nella patrimonializzazione della gastronomia locale: una nota metodologica. Narrare i Gruppi, vol. 14, n° 2, pp. 273-285.
Fontefrancesco M.F. (2019) Food Commodity Market: History and Impact of Food Trading Toward SDG2. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Zero Hunger. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Fontefrancesco M.F., Sidsaph H. (2019) Food Web and Food Network: Role of Food System Ecological Interconnectedness in Achieving the Zero Hunger Goal. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Zero Hunger. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Fontefrancesco M.F., Corvo P. (2019) Slow Food: History and Activity of a Global Food Movement Toward SDG2. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Zero Hunger. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham
Lavelli V., Sri Harsha P.S.C., Piochi M., Torri L. (2017). Sustainable recovery of grape skins for use in an apple beverage with antiglycation properties. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 52; p. 108-117.
Lavelli V., Torri L., Zeppa G., Fiori L., Spigno G. (2016). Recovery of winemaking by-products for innovative food application – A review. ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE, vol. 28; p. 542-564.
Marchiani R., Bertolino M., Belviso S., Giordano M., Ghirardello D., Torri L., Piochi M., Zeppa G. (2016). Yogurt enrichment with grape pomace. Effect of grape cultivar on physico-chemical, microbiological and sensory properties. JOURNAL OF FOOD QUALITY, vol. 39; p. 77-89, ISSN: 1745-4557.
Torri L., Piochi M., Marchiani R., Zeppa G., Dinnella, C., Monteleone E. (2016). A sensory- and consumer based approach to optimize cheese enrichment with grape skin powders. JORUNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, vol. 99; p. 194-204, ISSN: 0022-0302.
Torri, L., Piochi, M., Lavelli, V., Monteleone, E. (2015). Descriptive sensory analysis and consumers’ preference for dietary fibre- and polyphenol- enriched tomato purees obtained using winery by-products. LWT – FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 62; p. 294-300, ISSN: 0023-6438.
Dal Bello, B., Torri L., Piochi M., Zeppa G. (2015). Healthy yogurt fortified with omega-3 from vegetable sources. JOURNAL OF DAIRY SCIENCE, vol. 98; p. 8375-8385, ISSN: 0022-0302.
Lavelli V., Sri Harsha S.P.C., Torri L., Zeppa G. (2014). Use of winemaking by-products as an ingredient for tomato puree: The effect of particle size on product quality. FOOD CHEMISTRY, vol. 152; p. 162-168, ISSN: 0308-8146.
Dordoni R., Duserm Garrido G., Marinoni L., Torri L., Piochi M., Spigno G. (2019). Enrichment of Whole Wheat Cocoa Biscuits with Encapsulated Grape Skin Extract. International Journal of Food Science.
DiGe – Ethnobotany of divided generations in the context of centralization
Stryamets, N., Prakofjewa, J., Mattalia, G.. Kalle, R., Pruse, B., Zocchi, D.M., Sõukand, R., Pieroni, A., Fontefrancesco, M.F. (2022). Why the ongoing occupation of Ukraine matters to ethnobiology. J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine 18, 21 (2022).
Sõukand, R., Stryamets, N., Fontefrancesco, M.F., Pieroni, A., 2020. The importance of tolerating interstices: Babushka markets in Ukraine and Eastern Europe and their role in maintaining local food knowledge and diversity. Heliyon 6, e03222. doi
Kalle, R.; Sõukand, R.; Pieroni, A. Devil Is in the Details: Use of Wild Food Plants in Historical Võromaa and Setomaa, Present-Day Estonia. Foods 2020, 9, 570.
NODES: Nord Ovest Digitale E Sostenibile
Fontefrancesco, M.F.; Costa, A. Keeping the Knives Sharp: Socioeconomic Innovation in the Artisan Sector of Butchery in Italy. Societies 2023, 13, 80.
Fontefrancesco, M.F.; Zocchi, D.M.; Pieroni, A. The Intersections between Food and Cultural Landscape: Insights from Three Mountain Case Studies. Land 2023, 12, 676.
Fontefrancesco, MF (2023). Un pezzo di castagnaccio, una manciata di castagne. Storia agraria e paesaggio montano nell’Alessandrino tra sviluppo, interruzione e possibile ripresa. Quaderno di storia contemporanea, 73: 218-234
Fontefrancesco, MF, Zocchi, DM (2023). Filiere agroalimentari corte: sfide e soluzioni dell’imprenditoria artigina italiana. Quaderni di ricerca sull’artigianato 1/2023: 87/117.
Fontefrancesco, M.F. Traditional food for a sustainable future? exploring vulnerabilities and strengths in Italy’s foodscape and short agrifood chains author. Sustain Earth Reviews 6, 7 (2023).
Fontefrancesco, M.F. (2023). A Local Cheese: The Affective Economy of Food Embeddedness in the Italian Western Alps. Humans, 3: 271-282.
Bairati, L. (2023). Contractual governance in global food systems. In A.M. Mancaleoni, R. Torino (a cura di), Agrifood market regulation and contractual relationships in the light of directive (eu) 633/2019 (pp. 105-122). RomaTrE-Press, ISBN: 979-12-5977-231-2– 2023 [hyperlink]
Sulaiman, N., Zocchi, D.M., Borrello, M.T., Mattalia, G., Antoniazzi, L., Berlinghof, S.E., Bewick, A., Häfliger, I., Schembs, M., Torri, L., Pieroni, A. (2024). Traditional Knowledge Evolution over Half of a Century: Local Herbal Resources and Their Changes in the Upper Susa Valley of Northwest Italy. Plants 2024, 13, 43.
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Sgorla A.F. (2023). Traiettorie inesplorate di antropologia del cibo: lo stato dell’arte dell’antropologia della birra in Italia. Narrare i Gruppi, 18(2): 181-198.
Corcione, E. (2023). In the Wake of Bonsucro: Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Third-Party Certifiers at the Test Bench of OECD National Contact Points, in Business and Human Rights Journal, 8(2), 271-276. doi:10.1017/bhj.2023.17
Fontefrancesco, M.F. (2023). Pausa pranzo: tra necessita, lavoro e comunità. In C. Aglialoro, Il cibo e le mense aziendali delle grandi fabbriche del Novecento (pp. 36-39). Ronchi dei legionari: Consorzio Culturale del Monfalconese. (PDF allegato)
Fontefrancesco, M.F. (2023). Sfide e Prospettive dell’Antropologia Applicata: Oltre la Mera Applicazione. In R.S. Palmisano (a cura di), Post-global Anthropology and other adventures (pp. 27-40). Bologna: I Libri di Emil. (PDF allegato)
Fontefrancesco, M.F. (2023). Affective Economy: A Theoretical Outline. Encyclopedia 2023, 3, 1020-1027.
Castellani, M. (2023). Relational Narratives of Food in Design and Architecture Exhibitions. Humanities 12: 135.
Cela, N., Giorgione, V., Fassio, F., Torri, L. (2024). Impact of circular economy information on sensory acceptability, purchase intention and perceived value of upcycled foods by young consumers. Food Research International, 175,113765.
Food Industry Monitor: osservatorio sulle performance delle aziende italiane del settore food & beverage
Garzia C. (2018) Il settore food & beverage in Italia. Analisi delle performace delle imprese e dei driver di crescita e redditività. MILANO: EGEA, ISBN: 9788823846159.
Garzia C. (2017) Le aziende italiane del settore agroalimentare. Analisi delle performance economiche e competitive nel periodo 2009-2016. MILANO: EGEA, ISBN: 9788823845824.
EUNE-CPTRA: The European Network for the Promotion of Culinary and Proximity Tourism in Rural Areas
Fontefrancesco, M.F., Boscolo, A., Zocchi, D.M. (2023).Rural Culinary Tourism in Southern Europe: Emerging Educational Needs of a Growing Sector. Tour. Hosp. 2023, 4, 293–306.
PRIME – Processi e Prodotti Innovativi di Chimica Verde
Fassio, F., Chirilli, C. Circular economy and food system: a review of principal measuring tools. Sustainability 2023, 15, 10179.